
Why that eu has advanced than africa?

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Why that eu has advanced than africa?




  1. If your question is referring to the economic and political situation, there are many reasons. European nations currently have a leg up because that have created an IO (the European Union) that is contributing greatly to relations between European nations, both politically, socially, and economically. When Europe has, historically, so many nations that have been at the forefront of "advanced culture" (in terms of exploration, colonization, etc.) its easier to see how it appears they appear more advanced. However, Africa technically has less years to truly be advanced in the sense that there was relatively no interaction between the major African nations and other major world powers (opposed to Europe who frequented Asia in travel and trade on several occassions). In sum, Europe has had more time interacting beyond its borders. Additionally, the interaction the European nations partook in shifted the world in the direction most desirable to the type of work, goods, etc. condusive to the growth of the European nations.

  2. Depends upon what you call "advanced".

    Europe has a colder climate, so the people have to be more community oriented to build the necessary infrastructure to endure the winter season when nothing can be planted or harvested.  A social network, winterable roads and bridges and a governmental structure also have to be more intricate.

    Africa has a warmer climate, so the people there don't have to be so "team oriented".  They can afford to say "h**l witchoo" when someone suggests everyone pay tax or get together to build a palace for the local hot-shot.

    Spending everyday with family and friends dancing and singing is what Europeans work 40 years so they can retire to.  Africans figured out how to do it without spending the 40 years working.

    Who did you say was advanced?  


  3. They do not have the will to advance.

    West and Asian are determined to make thier life get better

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