
Why the Americans are so worried about global warming when other country people doesn't seem to?

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Why the Americans are so worried about global warming when other country people doesn't seem to?




  1. Maybe they are smart enough to realize that global warming as described in Al Gore's inconvenient myth is a bunch of hype.  When I was growing up they were all about saying we were going through another ice age, now they say the whole global warming thing.  You can't have it both ways.

  2. ah see....................because it's way more important that providing adequate healthcare, or creating new jobs, or reforms in education that benefit the next generation, and so on.  Why, making global warming the main issue will help so many people in this country.

    *rolls eyes* cue: sarcasm. (if you couldn't already tell). lol.



  3. Actually, it seems like everyone else worries more...

  4. I think you've been brainwashed by the american news. Yes they are talking about it alot but i'm afraid there's not actually very much being done. Anywhere!

  5. You are wrong.

    The political indiferences between most of the countries and China is based on environmental


    It is just a rightsul and blessed circumstance if the US takes attention and knowledge about the conversion of industries to protective productivity

    further than lost some political manoveur to follow the trend.

  6. Hey. Aussies care about Gobal Warming just as much as everyone else does!!

  7. Because America is the culprit!!

  8. You've got it backwards - Americans are less worried about global warming than people in most other countries.  See my link below for proof.

  9. after the identified that they were the culprits of global warming...............they have changed their attitude, REALISED THE problem and started doing someting ..about it

  10. If Americans were so worried about Global Warming, they would have been involved in the Kyoto Protocol right from the word go.

  11. Because they control the world and aussies are the one who care more about the global warming because they are the first to get affected if the ICE caps in antartica totally melts so the Australians are most concerned about GLOBAL Warming.

  12. They do care.. We just rarly here about it over here.

  13. It's not the average American it's the liberal press

  14. Most the other countries in the world have been caring about Climate change far longer than the USA. Our press/government are so controlled by polluting wasteful corporations that we simply do not hear much about what the rest of the world feels about this topic because most are PO'ed at the USA for using up most of the resources and doing nothing to curb the use/waste until very recently.

    The idea of human caused climate change is nothing new, it's been around for several decades.

  15. Like others have said on here, you're on thin ice with your assumption that Americans are "so worried" about global warming compared to citizens of other countries. North America stands to be less impacted than many other regions of the world; however, those regions have less control of the global media, so we hear much less about it.

  16. Because they dont have anything else to worry about............

  17. wrong way around

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