Hands up who's anti-adoption? Personally I'm not.
I am anti unethical adoption practises though and I hope adoptive parents are too.
Denying responsibility for the atrocious things that go on in adoption, or, even worse, turning a blind eye to them just won't wash. Blaming the agencies just doesn't cut it because who keeps those agencies running and in business?
Why does anyone who sees unethical adoption practises as wrong get labelled with as being 'anti-adoption'
I care about adoptees, big and little, and that's why I speak up.
I'm sorry if you disagree or if it bursts your rosey colored adoption bubble
How can anyone be happy and at peace with the adoption system as it stands? or with sealed records laws still on the books?
Please stop attempting to pathologize, dismiss and invalidate adoptees because you know what? there's a new generation coming up and I think they are going to have something to say