please read this letter an answer some one send me when I was asking Canada is not right place for new comers, which some time's employer do not paying to worker and also Canadian government do not willing to support victim,s , is take one month to social service give you answer for help they pay $520 a month for single guy, which cost of the rent small room, in Canada cost more then $400, medical like dint ice is not cover by them if you have tooth pain there is no help untiles pay docters,food bank in Canada give a way a food looks like garbage out of the date,,,some times is so dangers to eat, many new comers are going to die by the accident in job or injured after all mthey ended to sleep on street like homeless, here is the letter she send to my question
Did you know that immigrants to Canada can apply for 2 different sources of support. Which will give them money each month to survive as well as pay the medical and dental care. Also Canada has food banks where people can go get food for free. And did you know as an immigrant you can get about 3000 dollars per month from these sources when our elderly on pensions only get 1000 dollars per. month. So far as I'm concerned it should be the other way around!!! And if things are so bad here in Canada you can always Go Home. And if your so badly off how is it you have a computer to type this on. Do yourself a favour and do your research into Canadas policies and benefits before you come on here and Trash Our Great Nation!!!!