
Why the Heck is somebody reporting all of my questions?

by  |  earlier

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I got a violation notice because I posted the story about Tracy Wickhams daughter passing away!

Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with that??????




  1. people are doing becuz they think its funny...they just do it for no reason..

  2. it just takes one offended/ disgruntled reader to report and get your question off... that & y!a doesn't endorse free speech.

  3. where did you post it? I don't remember the question but if it was in this section then it is in the wrong section. This is for football, maybe try another section - not sure where that type of thing would fit in YA! but am pretty sure football wouldn't qualify.

    Maybe try swimming section. LOL


  4. I didn't see your Tracy Wickams question.

    I watched it Current Affair last night.

    OMG!!!!  what a tear jerker.

    Violations????  Seems like everyones getting them.

    Chin up!!!!  Keep up your good questions.

  5. I think that if you stick with questions and not reporting that you will have better luck. This was an example of a question. However, you put the question in the wrong place, and some vengeful person might report it for being miscategorized. People are odd. Fix your settings so that people can't read your questions and answers unless you allow them to on an individual basis.

  6. Nothing is wrong with that at all.

    I've been give some violations over nothing in the last few days too.

    Maybe make your question and answer profile private, just a suggestion as it makes it a little harder for the trolls to report your posts.

  7. We definately have a troll on our hands....especially with all the thumbs down going on!

    I guess if it was just a story and not a question then the yaholes get all precious and give you a violation..

    Who knows how they would go crazy trying to figure them out..LOL

  8. Because they probably violated the Community Guidelines. You stated that you posted the story about Tracy Wickhams daughter passing away. Was it a question, or just a story? If not a question, it violated the CGs. There is a link to the Community Guidelines at the bottom of almost every Answers page.

  9. I wonder if it's because of how Yahoo categorises Australia? You know, how we are in 'Travel', or specialty sections like this.

    There isn't an Australian politics or current events section and if you post it generally it gets lost in all the US and UK stuff, so most people are posting in wherever there is likely to be some Aussies, but that leaves it open to trolls to complain about being in the wrong category?

    BUT, isn't this new 'community moderation' supposed to be putting a stop to all this? Y'know, supposedly it requires several complainst by a 'trusted' reporter, etc?

    Cheers :-)

  10. thats awful!!! i answered that one but some people will stalk & wait for a mistake & then report you especially if you clashed with them so block who have been mean to you to see if that helps stop it but make sure you dont leave yourself open by having chat or not having a propper question, i got 6 in one day for minor little things by some one reporting me

    edit i made a mistake!!! mouse over the person  & in the box it will have add to my contacts & then there is the block user with a red button thingy on it sorry for the mistake

  11. Im really sick of the people who are doing this. And they said im immature because of my questions lighten up people. And whats with the thumbs down all of a sudden. Its all a game to this person i hope it ends soon or we find out who this foolish person is and stop them.

  12. Well I guess that's going to happen.  Yes, that's technically a breach - but ... for goodness sake, I didn't realise anyone had actually asked a question on this section for some weeks that strictly required an 'answer'.  Like "who's ya fav player?"  That's much more intelligent!

    I guess some people haven't got much better to do than report ... so here's another one to report as I'm not answering an AFL question am I, but then neither is anyone else here?

    Wouldn't it be good if these breaches were actually moderated by something other than a computer.  It's obvious someone with 6000 odd points and a hundred or so best answers isn't a menace on the site, isn't it?

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