
Why the Indonesia Goverment is not doing any things to stop the forest fires.?

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Why the Indonesia Goverment is not doing any things to stop the forest fires.?




  1. They're always waiting for help from others.

  2. looks like the indonesian government might profit from them, and if not, which really might be the case, they just probably dont have enough money and resources to stop them.  what, you wanna dish out the millions and millions of dollars it will cost to stop them?  from the article i scanned, it looks like there might be a real conspiracy, loggers might be covering up their tracks from illegal deforestation, which really really really sux for people that love that kind of land.  but you know... maybe their just making more vacation spots.   or also the farming, deforestation sux. (yeah i know, ... sucks)  jungle / forests / rain forests  have some of the coolest views on the planet.  real adventure locations.  it would be a shame not to have them anymore, and um yeah we wouldnt be able to breath anymore either, eventually people would be walking around with 02 masks because all of the oxygen producing agents on the world have died either from irregular ph balances (from tempurature fluctuatuons over the water) or deforestation.  plants are responsibel for alot of the 02 as well, oh yeah dont forget it'll get really really hot too, you know,  "only 15 minuets outside today kids, the uv levels are over 200 percent."  that kind of stuff from the lack of 03 production.  but you know... we might fugure out a way to start pumping o2 into the air, and 03 into the atmosphere, and that might help out, as long as we put out more than we use up... but i think reguardless, we're eventually just gonna need to evolve, or die... you pick...thats the way it goes in nature, if you outstep your bounds, the species simply does not survive...atleast not in the massive domination numbers anyway.

  3. What's any things? LOL!!!!!!!!!! I thought is was spelled ANYTHING. LOL!!!!!!!!

  4. Don't criticize just go help..

  5. maybe they had all of the fire equipment repossessed.

  6. Nicely to say......

    The Indonesia Government is doing some SMALL progress to stop forest fire as you know la.....their people keep on take duit kopi so HOW TO STOP??!!!

    Second,farmers over that side have no money to use machine to chop down a large hectare of useless tree.So they just BURN!

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