
Why the Israeli are conducting collective punishments on the native people of Palestine.?

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Is it illegal or is legal.




  1. throwing stones at people with guns always ends in grief

  2. Unique problems demand unique solutions - its a pity, both are very decent peoples

  3. Your not bring historical reference into the argument here. Your taking today's events and viewing them out of context of the area and peoples history. Study more history and you'll realize that all involved have kept peace at bay.

  4. It is probably not in accordance with international law, but they have a genuine problem trying to protect themselves from suicide bombings and rocket attacks.

    I think they tried asking nicely, but when that didn't work, they fell back on the age-old technique called massive retribution.  It worked for the n***s to an extent.  When one German was killed in the occupied territory, they killed 30 hostages.  Obviously, anyone who cared about their countrymen's lives stopped killing n***s.  Unfortunately, there are those who do not care how many of their countrymen die and in fact figure it just makes the enemy look bad when they kill innocent people.  This is true, but many Israelis would rather look bad than be rocketed and don't care how many Palestinians they have to kill to prove it.

    The solution is to get enough reasonable people on both sides to say "Enough!".  You stay on your side and we'll stay on ours.  No more terrorism, no more retribution.

    This is obviously easier said than done.

  5. United Nations have condemned Israeli policies. Too, serious international organizations are reporting the actions of Israel government because they are violating international agreements.

    AMNISTY INTERNATIONAL "Human rights violations and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions have been committed daily, hourly, even every minute, by the Israeli authorities against Palestinians. Violence has become a part of daily life. Israeli settlers have killed Palestinians with almost complete impunity. Palestinians have become fearful in their homes and when walking or driving, especially at checkpoints where for no apparent reason they may be killed by nervous, reckless or negligent soldiers. No killing in the Occupied Territories is properly investigated"

    UNITED NATIONS "The UN emphasizes the similarity between the apartheid and the occupation of Palestine

    The situation that are lived in the Palestine occupied by Israel and the one that existed in the South Africa of the apartheid are very similar, according to states a report elaborated by the relator of the UN John Dugard, who emphasizes that a racial group tries to dominate another one.

    The UN emphasizes parallelisms that exist between the occupation that Israel carries out in Palestine and the South African apartheid, according to it picks up a report on the human rights in Gaza and the West Bank.

    The discrimination against the Palestinians takes place in numerous scopes. In addition, the Convention the International for the Elimination and the Repression of the Apartheid, subscribed in 1973, is being violated by means of numerous practices, especially when prevailing to the Palestinians of freedom of movements, affirms the report of the UN.

    The elaboration of this documents been has coordinated by John Dugard, special relator of the UN on the situation of the human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel.

    Dugard, lawyer of South African nationality, realised a shady balance of the situation of the human rights, emphasizing that the blockade of the Gaza Strip on the part of Israel is a form of collective punishment” and that the indiscriminate use on the part of Israel of the troops against civil people and objectives has brought about crimes military."

  6. After 60 years of terror Israel still fights for her survival. The Palestinian terrorists direct suicide bombing, Kassam rockets and kidnappings against innocent Israeli civilians. That is a barbaric primitive, savage terror. The Palestinians have a homeland, called Jordan. The Muslim world has plenty of land to offer to the fellow Muslims. But they demand land from tiny Israel. Israel must have defendable and recognised borders like all other nations. As long as the Palestinian terror goes on, Israel must defend herself and hit back to the savage enemy with iron fist. Collective crime deserves collective punishment. If the Palestinians want peace they must stop terror, they must release the Israeli hostages and they must recognise the Jewish State, the State of Israel. The State of Israel was established after 2000 years of exile of the Jewish people, while the Land of Israel was illegally occupied by Arab hordes.

  7. Israeli are protecting them self from extremist.

  8. Collective Punishments would be illegal.

    The idea of a joint UN Force comprised of Israelis and Palestinians to stop such things as are found out may not work unless a strong Citizen UN could keep the peace.

    This idea may not be good and could be construed as a Troll Vehicle,  The idea to acknowledge the right of both to exist seems to be at an impasse.  The idea of a vote on whether to have an IP Union so that after situation gone such issues do not arise might be good. The idea of a united country comprising both has no appeal and neither does a union of each so that leaves the answer as two wrongs do not make a right.

  9. The Israeli's also kept those lands when united Arab nations went to war to get them back. If the Palestinians want the land back, they should go to war and take it. Otherwise, they should try to make a life here in reality and stop whining about how wrong all this is. Legal, illegal? It just is; if they don't like it they should change it.

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