
Why the Regulars on China section shun this question ?

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This is the question:

Why do amerika call china human right voilators when it is herself evilest?;_ylt=AlxJkOy4w.TSMeK5g8OHxAUM7RR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080726025703AA8TFxf

I noticed almost all regulars are absent from answering this question. What's matter ? feeling guilty ?




  1. I always wonder why you don't post questions about travel in the China section.

    War is war, I can't blame her logic for Iraq, but Saddam did have wmd, he lot rid of them, but then he give the impression he still had them. I wonder why oh yes I forgot for a moment it was to stop Iran attacking Iraq.

    Oddly even I did come across an article some where that the Chinese where backing the war in Afghanistan so the fact that they even gave 15 million dollars to the forces.

    As for the war on Terror they even back this as they say they have there own war on terror against Xinjiang terrorists. How many terrorist related things have happen in China in the last 2 years.

    As for oil well you can't hardly blame China for wanting to keep Tibet as they have now found huge oil and other mineral resources.

    AS for human rights well, every one know that the Chinese government is corrupted, its what a nation goes in peacetime, I could search and cut n paste all day but I raither answer questions about travel.

    How about you, when are you going to answer questions about travel or even post a question on a travel.....

    Do you know where China is or even know the length of the great wall without having to look it up? You still seem to think that Canada questions should be in the China section

    Edit: The moment of truth reveals ugly souls masked by hypocracy. What a bunch of the racist biggots !

    Oh the race card argument, what a hateful mind you have to think such nasty thoughts about why we wouldn't want to answer such a long winded factually incorrect rant that has nothing to do with the travelling in China.

    To be honest I thought you had created a new ID.

    BTW do you know the length of the great wall without having to look it up.


    Your countless mind-manipulative posts prove a hateful heart. But you are 2 coward to admit it. Hyporacy is your face, Contempt is your heart.

    Oh I'm just trying to learn from a master like you, its looks like I have a far way to go.

    Btw I have a bet on that one of your pesduo IDs will add a comment soon.

  2. I actually like this question.

  3. The reason is because we don't respect these types of questions. You and people like you are here to spread hatred, rather than have a serious discussion grounded in facts. In addition, the question is riddled with grammatical errors, making it difficult to understand. China does have human rights violations, America is not perfect either. That's the reality for all of the world's countries. America does have the right to question human rights violations, but not to the extreme. However, you cannot say that America is "evilest", which not only is not a word, but is just baseless.

  4. lol. That "question" is just stupid and presumptuous. I don't believe that the War on Terror is truly an anti-Islamic "war". I agree that the War in Iraq had nothing to do with the War on Terror. Basically everyone is already aware that the initial invasion was unjustified. You've presented no new news with that. The U.S. already has bases in Bahrain and Kuwait, so Afghanistan was not the first nation in the Middle East for the U.S. to be inside. Also, the War in Afghanistan was consistent with the War on Terror. There were known terrorists in Afghanistan, unlike in Iraq. The conspiracy theories about the World Trade Center may be interesting but nothing has been proven, so you can believe them if you want, I suppose...

    I think people avoided this question for a few reasons:

    1. They didn't see it.

    2. It's not related to China.

    3. You gave a link to another question that gave a link to yet another question that was extremely long. It's not interesting enough to waste time reading all three questions...

    4. It doesn't address anything new or interesting.

    If you are a Chinese national who is upset about all of the negative press about China in the United States, I am sorry. Unfortunately, China's growth is viewed as a threat in America, so China will likely continue to receive negative coverage. Although many Americans may like to use China as a scapegoat, there are also many perceptive Americans who realize that America has caused much/most of its own problems. I will also point out that China does not receive good press in Europe, either.

    If you are not even a Chinese person, then what is this about? Where are you really from, and why are you so anti-American? None of these questions make anyone "feel guilty". America has issues just like China. We get it! If you want to discuss America's political issues, there are other categories for that.

  5. Why answer when this is a classic case of someone who does not want to be confused by facts that contradict their preconceived notions?

    If you are holding your breath for an answer, I say go knock yourself out, amigo.

  6. Ja wohl, I is the evilest gaijin on the fase of the earth, JA JA JA!!!!!!!!! I admit it!!!

  7. Who do you think you are that all regulars here have to answer your questions???

    We do have right to choose to give opinions or not!

    Guilty for what?  To be a happy person that have good life?

    Edit : Mr. Hex

    How can I give more thumbs up to your asnwer! LOL, I have no intention to create more YA accounts though!  I gave one to Rabbityama too.

  8. Perhaps because we do not understand the incorrect grammar and spelling in the question.

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