
Why the U.S isn't digging for oil in the u.s land while it's cheaper?

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Why the U.S isn't digging for oil in the u.s land while it's cheaper?




  1. Wrong question. Drilling activity is booming in the US. However, the USA are overproducing if we look at the oil reserves. So the average production per well in most of land US is very low vs what one can get in the Middle East or Africa. So the cost for exploring, discovering and producing in the US is quite high especially when we are talking about Alaska.

    With a barrels at 130 $, it is not such a problem, however one does not know how tomorrow might be.

    One last remarks : 2/3 of the oil imported in the US is NOT coming from the middle east.

    It is coming from : Canada (1.8 million barrels per day),  Mexico (1.2 million barrels per day), Nigeria (1.2 million barrels per day), and Venezuela (0.9 million barrels per day), Angola (0.4 million barrels per day), Algeria (0.2 million barrels per day), Ecuador (0.2 million barrels per day). Only 2.5 millions barrels are coming from middle east.

  2. Because we want our children to have a future,oil is the problem not the solution.

  3. Because it is more politically acceptable to foul the lands and seas in the middle east than it is in north America. There are plenty of people in the U.S. who will drive their car to join in a protest against any new oil wells anywhere in the country.

  4. Because the ultra liberal, global warming, save the planet freaks won't let anyone. All thanks to Bill Clinton signing a bill to keep us out of AK.

  5. We are.  the problem is all of our oil is being exported.  Also the tree huggers will not let us drill for oil in alaska which is probably the biggest oil reserve in the world.

  6. It is very simple.......Will you spend your saved money if you can get the same from your friends / associates etc.

    US is a country with great FORESIGHT  and the oil is limited may be for next 50 years. What happens after that....therefore let us spend the money which others have and save your own money for the rainy day.

    I hope you get the answer.

  7. Treehuggers.

    Also our government works extremely slow.

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