
Why the United Nations cannot prevent or stop the war...??

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Why the United Nations cannot prevent or stop the war...??




  1. People tend not to listen to the UN, they would much rather not talk about the problems that they have caused and caused others.  Each party in a war believe that they are right and the other side(s) wrong.  Finally people think that they have god on their side and are therefore automatically correct.

    For all of these reasons the UN is not heard when it speaks, not liked when it passes a ruling that people disagree with.

  2. The Korean War? I dunno. Maybe because neither side will come to an agreement?

    The Cypriot War? Same as above.

    Kosovo? See above.

    Darfur? I heard there may be something going on with that, finally.

    I'm not sure what other wars the UN Peacekeepers have any part of. And, Evil Paul is unaware, it seems, that 40% of the UN's annual budget is supplied by the US. That's just one nation out of 192 nations! No other member state can say they supply 40% of the UN's money. Not one othe nation comes close. Don't like my answer? Prove me wrong. Provide me the data, and I will apologize on Yahoo! Answers for all to see.

  3. Because the jews that influence our government will not permit it to end!

  4. Hey!

    The United Nations is made up of its member nations, each nation having its own little clique of buddies for whatever politicking is currently going on.  However, the UN has an instrucment in place that its member nations must ratify, as did GWB.  He also blatantly violated it by going into Iraq, it is one of the things he could be charged with if ever prosecuted.

  5. If the UN had any power, this war wouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

    It was UN violations that led to this war.

  6. because no one is committed to it

  7. The United Nations is just a bunch of power hungry people who are there for thier own pleasure and want only what they can grab, steal and weedle out of everyone else.

    They are not there for some "higher initiative", they dont simply care about this that or the other thing, they are there to see what they can get for themselves!  Thats all that matters to each Country that joins that organization.

    So, you have over a hundred different Countries pulling apart the fabric of what was "supposed" to be the ultimate power on Earth, and no one cares for the betterment of mankind...its a sad state and it should never have been built at times I think...

    If or when they ever get thier acts together and pull together instead of trying to grab and get, then it maybe come a force to be reckoned with, but, thats not in the near future.

    I wish you well...


  8. Because they mustn't anyway, War which is needed must be fought-that's it...

  9. That's an easy one. First, the UN doesn't have the ability to enforce its own rules on member nations, so how do you expect them to be effective in the field.

    For example, each member nation is supposed to supply a portion of thier armed forces to help in peace-keeping missions, the US doesn't. Secondly memeber nations that are in the arrear for UN dues are not allowed to have voting power, again the US and other nations owe money to the UN and still get to vote.  These requirements are outlined in the UN charter (which I've actually read).

    Secondly, the purpose of the UN was for Nations to try and resolve thier issues through peace. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are terrorist organizations not nations, so how can one use diplomacy with groups intent on war.

    The UN charter also allows a nation to use military force if attacked. The US was justified in attacking Afghanistan under the provision of the charter. Iraq is a separate issue, but arguments can be made for justification.

    Another factor is the inordinate amount of bearucratic red tape the UN places on its personnel in hostile zones. If a UN peace keeping force comes under fire they need permission to fire back, and over half of the equipment used by peace-keeping forces don't carry ammo anyway.

    Also, take a look at the 5 nations that are premanent members that's also part of the problem I think.

    Lastly, think about the issue of sovreighty. Under this notion, a nation has the right to do what it wants within its borders, so if nation A wants to go to war with country B who's to say that this is wrong?  In short, the only thing the UN can do effectively is issue charters that they can't enforce. The UN is an organization that has outlived its  usefulness.

  10. They have no power and no courage, just lots of talk and finger pointing.

  11. I'm guessing you mean "war in general", not the Iraq war.

    The UN is very good at some things -- e.g. immunization and food programs -- and terrible at others -- e.g. restraining or punishing evil.  The UN a) has no military force (thank goodness!) and b) must rely on individual members to act.  These members act at cross purposes, many are the very source of the evils in the world, and the majority pay almost nothing into the UN but get a full vote.

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