
Why the Youth of today avoid religious gatherings?

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  1. As a 'youth of today' i feel compelled to answer.

    Not all of us are busy in 'fashion' and 'modelling' or too busy in 'Western culture'. I for one am interested in other peoples cultures and religious views, however, i do not share them. This is mainly due to the fact I do not understand how people can believe certain things and am more taken by Science.

    It isn't all to do with our upbringing by our parents either, more by our schools and the certain criteria they have to meet. Students are given the impression that Science is a subject to be taken more seriously then RE or RS perhaps this is a flaw in the educational system?

    I found RE very interesting and wasn't alone, many people found it a good lesson to express their thoughts and to learn new things.

    I do find your remark quite ageist aswell. It's not just the 'youths' who avoid religious gatherings. I know many older people who are non believers and do not attend religious gatherings purely based on the fact that they do not believe.

    Thanks, hope i've not caused offense.

  2. Depends on how religion (any) is understood and and taught.

    Like any subject , a good teacher can make it interesting and engaging.

    Too much regimental soon wears off. Once hooked one naturally becomes disciplined.

    Fanatism and bigotry challenge intelligent minds

  3. I tell you from experience. They find it boring. Thumb me down all you like but it is the truth.

  4. may be they don't trust or they didn't get touch at childhood...........

  5. Salaam. I guess the youth doesn't want to be seen by the other Non Muslims in fear of being made fun of or insulted.

    I don't let things like that bother me, because I know that only ignorant people would be the ones to insult Muslims.

    I do enjoy religious gatherings, that's why several friends of mine and I meet at a club every Fridays to pray Jummah Salah and discuss about Islam at school during lunchtime.

  6. i go to religious gatherings!!

    and i'm 14!

  7. may be they avoid it becoz they think its boring (my idea)

    but i like them

  8. Because it is unhealthy to waste one's youth on too much religion.  Life is short and the first years should be spent enjoying it and growing into a free thinking human being.  There is plenty of time to ponder life's mysteries when most of the fun has stopped.

  9. All Muslims youth should constantly listen eagerly to Deeni lectures, and attend Deeni gatherings, etc...

    The urge to listen to good, causes good deeds which eventually causes entry into Jannah, due to pious deeds acquired through the knowledge of Deen.

    Some Muslim youth seem ashamed of practicing their religion in the westernisation adoption of life...

    They seem to have complete obsession with western concepts and want certain eradication of Islam from their lives!

    Also Muslim's youth lack of identifying themselves with Islam, stems from their acute lack of Islamic knowledge!

    Perhaps stems from early childhood of no proper arrangement for the training in Islam by some unintelligent parents who kept their children entirely unaware of all things of Islam!?

  10. Coz some of these gatherings don't no how to reach & convince the heart of the our Youth.

    May Allah give hedayah to our elders who just give the rules & evidences without explaining it's beauty to our  fragile hearts.

    Every level need to be talked in their own understanding with love, effection & wisdom.

  11. Because youth of today make their own minds up about religion, and so if they dont believe they dont go. A lot of young people dont believe, or just cant be bothered to go to church or dont want to because some of their friends might think its uncool.

  12. lool im forced to go :P

  13. whatever religion they are doesn't matter - youth today are disrespectful children.

    The youth today are given choices instead of being told what to do like it was back in the 80s and farther.


  14. Because they are less naive.

  15. Well i hated them when i was young because i was forced to go.   YOu can make someone do it without it being "force".   There is a way to approach it.  

    It depends, i'm a bit older now and i don't mind them, but i still usually cut out early.  

    I cant stand the sermons, they're like always the same thing.  I'm the type of person, tell me something once....i'll remember it....i'll also probably remember the day the person told me that and what clothes they were wearing....if someone asked a question...i'll remember in what order questions were asked, who asked them, and the clothes those people were wearing......can't stand hearing something twice.  

    Then the arguments.....especially between the pakis and arabs cuz they both speak english as a second language and they constantly misunderstand each other.    

  16. yes so true :'(

    i think they just got "westerncised" lool.  They just too busy with their "look" to even know what's going on around them, oh well nvm.  they'll prob see what total idiots they are when they're about 60, i guess, lol :P

    May Allah swt guide us all to the striaght path, amin

  17. I'm going to a Muslim Youth Retreat in a few weeks.  Insha'allah there will be well over 1000 Muslim youth present.

    We'll have competitions of all sorts.  Religious, secular, sports - and we're inviting the non Muslim surrounding community to come see what Islam is all about.  Insha'allah it will be a lot of fun.

    Youth do like religious gatherings - the gatherings just need to be fun :)

    love for all, hatred for none

  18. Cause there to busy acting like kaffars..

  19. I DON'T!!

    well it depends on their intentions!

    some may not go because:

    1)they don't have anyone to take them

    2) sick

    there maybe a lot of reasons but i cant think of them at the moment

    don't become stereotypical most of my friends go all the time to these gatherings i bet most people go but a few cant be bothered!

  20. Because it's always ran by older men who make it too serious and boring. Youths don't want to be forced to gather and behave and learn about Islam that way. They think it's boring, and uncool.

    There are not enough Islamic youth clubs, where they can have a laugh and learn by young people aswell. If there were any around my area, i would definetly go. But unfortunately, my mosque is one of those that are run by old people who do it because they are the older ones there, not because they have more knowledge. they are stricter and don't let youths have a relaxed ecperience.

  21. The youth today are too influenced by Western society, and sadly so are the parents. So fundamentally, I blame the upbringing. Religion starts at home, if your household or family are not engaging in their daily Salaah, Qur'an etc. How can you expect their children to even want to know religion? or sit in these gatherings...

  22. because they know that they will hear something that they don't want to hear or will be against something that they love to do.

  23. They are busy in Fashion and Model

    Although fashion & model can't help them in the other world

  24. Maybe they don't believe?

  25. Maybe because they have other stuff going on.

    And considering that religion seems to cause so much conflict it is better they wait until they are older until they are mature enough to make their own minds up and not be influenced by family or friends.

    Maybe finding your own spiritual path comes with age?

    Dunno, just my thoughts.

  26. well we have a weekly youth group at our masjid and both of my daughters attend.  they play sports for one hour and they have religious studies for an hour.  then we pray maghreb and then the imam gives a talk.  This gathering is quite popular especially with the girls.  

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