
Why the americans beleive every thing in the media ?why they don't read the islam with logic first ?

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many people says that the muslems treat the women so bad i tell every girl and every one think about that read about the prophet mohamed and how he treated the women and how he ordered the muslems to treat them as wives and daughters. stop racism and miss understanding there is wonderful guys in usa and europe and very bad guys also ,in egypt and arabian nations the same things!!! am i wrong ?




  1. In the first place: Most Americans DON'T believe what they read in the media - at least, the intelligent ones don't.  The media is nothing more than a propaganda machine, which, unfortunately, sucks in more people OUTSIDE of the U.S. than it does inside this country.  YOU (and I'm assuming that you live outside of the U.S.) probably believe the American media more than we do.

    Having said that, though: People believe what they want to believe; if the media gives them an "excuse" to go public with that belief, then they will.  The truth is: People having been believing what they've believed about Islam long before the media ever started saying anything negative about it; all the media ever did was give them permission to start talking about it.

    Having said THAT: I personally have read the Koran, so I have some idea of what Islam is SUPPOSED to be all about - and probably IS practiced by the majority of Muslims.  Just because some extremist Muslim decided to crash planes into our buildings does not make Islam a "terrorist" religion - any more than Christian extremist Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez makes Christianity a terrorist religion.  And if you want to talk terrorism, the Hebrews of the Old Testament were just as much "terrorists" as are the Muslim extremists of today.

    The fact of the matter is (and this is probably the main reason that Jews and Muslims do not get along - because likes repel, you know): Islam and Judaism (as practiced by the Old Testament Hebrews) are virtually IDENTICAL as religions; in fact, the Koran itself is little more than a re-wording of the Old Testament - given to two different peoples by the SAME God.

    So, you are NOT wrong.  What's wrong is your assumption that Americans are influenced by the media, when the truth of the matter is that the media simply voices what many Americans are already thinking.

  2. "It takes self discipline to read."

    "It takes an education and a discerning spirit

    to tell the difference between the truth, and

    a Lie."

    "It takes no discipline nor education to watch

    a NEWS telecast, and hold a conversation,

    or give a Lecture on some topic one knows

    nothing about.  And just assume that everything

    is true, without question nor prior investigation."

    "The United States feed and profits off of their

    own citizens ignorance."

    "Notice, these celebrity women for instance."

    "The common man would believe they are the

    most precious individuals to have their picture


    "Then be naive enough, not to question their

    psychological status, nor want to review their

    medical charts."

  3. If I read, can I find where it says to fly planes into buildings and blow up myself?

  4. Last time I checked only 2% of Americans read for pleasure and about 30% are illeterate. Sad but true. Yet they can all watch tv.

  5. Their hearts are sealed and they walk with their nose up with Islam because they love the world and want to forget the next world. So Islam not compatible with people who are too worldly.Let them enjoy awhile.  


  7. Probably because of the whole 9-11 thingee. Even non-xtians don't like people who crash planes into our buildings. I know I don't.

  8. Americans are a hurry up society. They want their news/info in snippets, they want microwaves and computers to work even faster than they do. Many Americans have no interest in learning about other cultures.

    You also have to understand that those of us who have looked into it, still do not see ourselves fitting the role. We would give up a lot of freedoms. American women find these freedoms to now be a part of their nature. Not something easily subdued.

  9. Does your nation have a free press?  If not, you're not reading about atrocities committed in your own back yard.

  10. Islam is not a religion, it is a pollitical indoctranation. When you do look at the quaran, it is a book not written by mohamed, who was a slave trading, epileptic pedophile, who murdered thousands. and he could niether read or write. it was written by people 250 years after  his death. I can write this because I did read about your faith, and I feel it is evil in its purist form.

  11. I have an american friend who told that most of americans are misguided by their media

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