
Why the astronauts of Apollo 14 are not as famous as the astronauts of Apollo 11 if they did the same job?

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Why the astronauts of Apollo 14 are not as famous as the astronauts of Apollo 11 if they did the same job?




  1. It is the first timers that are rememberedf.

  2. you never remember second place.

  3. countless people sail or fly from europe to america on a daily basis.

    do you know there names?

    and now complete this phrase: "in 1492, _______ sailed the ocean blue"

    get it now?

  4. The astronauts of Apollo 11 did it first. Whoever does something first are always the most famous. Does anyone remember the second boat that landed on North America? No, because it wasn't a milestone, it had already been done before.

  5. For the same reason no one knows who flew the second plane.

  6. you definitly don't remember 4th place. By the time that happened people grew tired of the whole adea of going back to the moon.

  7. Even the apollo 11 astronauts aren't that well known.

    I'm sure that lots of people know Neil Armstrong was first on the moon, and what his first words were.

    But how many people know that Buzz Aldrin was right behind him out the door?

    Further, how many people know that Michael Collins was orbiting the moon above them?

  8. Because they weren't the first.  Apollo 11 was the first.  It's as simple as that.


  9. Because Neal Armstrong and crew, were the first people to land on the moon.  After them, and Apollo 13, landing on the moon started to lose it's luster.

  10. because Apollo 11 did it first.

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