
Why the big deal about how young the Chinese gymnasts LOOK? I'm in my thirties, and I look like a teen.....?

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All this speculation about how young-looking the Chinese gymnasts are is just that: SPECULATION. The IOC has confirmed that those girls are old enough to compete in these Olympics. Besides, some people look younger than they are. I'm in my early 30s, and I still look like a teen. I get carded all the time.

And really, is there much difference in appearance between a 16-year-old and a 14-year old??????




  1. Its a fact that asians develop much later.  This is something NBC commentators are ignorant about.  

    the whining and baseless accusations bothered me at first.

    but now its just amusing and somewhat pathetic.

  2. Well its just no looks. It also from other evidence of new agency from china having her as 13. Also they are sign that they are nor 16 year old they wouldn't have most of their baby teeth and only have a few out with dentist have said that would be 12 year 14 year old tops.  

  3. no.. there is evidence that He Kexin of Chinese Gymnastics was 13 last year......hmmmm now shes 16....wierd

  4. the big deal is, that not only is there speculation, but there is proof.

  5. some look VERY young

  6. There is a big difference between 14 and 16.. most people can tell. They actually look younger than 14 anyways.. and just because you get carded doesnt mean you look like you are a freakin teenager. They card everyone know a days.. and no im not jealous cause you look you young, im only 21 so. Plus there has been proof that one of the girls just happened to only be 13 the year before when she was in soemthing, but now she is all of a sudden 16. Oh, and ya it would be real hard for the government to fake thier age. Come on, who cares if they say they are old enough, that dont mean anything, im sure they are fake passports!

  7. it's not about look, its about lying.  these girls aren't exactly unknown - they've been in the public eye, and their ages have been reported in other places.  but suddenly they're old enough for the Olympics.  I personally don't care how old they are.  Besides, the age for gymnastics used to be 14.

  8. WAKE UP - it's not just speculation.  If you actually google it, you'll be quick to come across articles that detail the evidence that portrays a pretty convincing story that those kids are underage.  Here are just two:

    Chinese Gold Medal Gymnast He Kexin May Be Underage, AP Reports

    Scandal of the Ages: Documents Reveal Underage Chinese Gymnast

    And it is a big deal that China behaves with such little integrity at a gymnastics competition.  And yes, there can be a big difference between a 13 year old and a 16 year old.  It's called PUBERTY.

  9. well your not competing in the olympics where u have to b at least 16 r you? no your not

  10. they just like to start something

  11. The big reason that people are angry with China is that they have indeed cheated using under age athletes in order to have an edge over the gymnastic competition. The government had to be involved. It is well documented, and there has also been a former Chinese Olympian who has admitted that she was given false documentation in order to compete (and medal) in the 2000 Olympic games when she was under age. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has feathers like a duck, has a bill like a duck, has webbed feet like a must be a...(avocado if you believe the Chinese haven't cheated). This in no way diminishes the great athletic performances of other Chinese Olympians who aren't cheating. I personally hope that the IOC drops the age requirement, and adopts a weight requirement. If you aren't 100 pounds or Olympic gymnastics for you. That would be easier to enforce. Can't fake an official weigh-in.

    All countries have their individuals who lose site of the spirit of competition and stoop to cheating in order to win. I hope that ALL cheaters, no matter which flag they represent, are caught, and stripped of their medals, dishonored, and banned from all athletic competitions for life! Nothing is worse than a cheater.

  12. Whatever

    no way those girls were 16 and you'd have to be blind and ignorant to think they were.

    but you right, we have no proof because China is pros at forging passports.

  13. Don't be disingenuous.  At our age (in our 30s) yes there is a wide variance in appearance, but that's not the case for kids.  If a 35 year old looks 28, that's no big deal, but when a 15 year old looks like a 10 year old it's problematic.  

    You don't get that same variation in children.  When an alleged 16 year still doesn't look like she has any b*****s or that she's menstruating, it's an issue.

    This is compounded by the fact that internet records from the past 4 years indicate that 3 of the girls were born in 1994 but that in their 2008 passport, their birth years were changed to 1992.  It's not just appearance, it's also the fact that the Chinese records are contradicted.  Why don't you check out the NY Times article from July 27, 2007 on this issue where they examine Chinese websites in finding the age discrepancies.

  14. Chinese look younger than they appear. Heck, Some people Estimates their age oh how they look. A 50 year old women looks 35. But her birth certificate and her passport backs her up as age 50.

  15. Well I remember watching the olympics and some announcer said that the Chinese gymnasts were actually underage since they put a fake age on their passports.

    When I first saw them I thought that they were only about 12 years old so they are most likely underage.  

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