
Why the car have 4 wheels?

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  1. Better than none aye!

  2. ??? It offers better stability at high speeds. There have been a number of three wheel cars built and created over time. If you look back, other then the chariot, most devices that have been used all have 4 wheels. The Stage Coach, wagon trains, rail cars have 8 wheels on 4 axles. Many had karts that where used had 3 or 4 wheels. It's a sensible design

  3. Mine doesn't!

    I have 5 wheels including the spare, a steering wheel, and a fly wheel.......

  4. For balance, stability and control and weight distribution.

  5. for balance...the same reason you have two legs!

  6. lolz

  7. because with three, it would be a tricycle, and with 2 it would be a motor cycle.  

  8. Not all of them do. The Reliant Robin had three wheels, as did the bubble car of the 1960's. I found some lovely pics on the site below, which made me laugh. I love the VW beetle. Can't imagine taking that out for a 'cool razz up the high street. lol. '

  9. weight distribution

  10. As others have said, for balance, proper weight distribution, etc

  11. For stability - at each corner.

  12. So they don't tip over. Try taking one wheel off and see what happens.

  13. So it dosnt fall over,lol

  14. Hey, dont forget the Batmobile - the three wheeler!!

    My grandad had one in the sixties and at least 8 of us used to pile in and drive off into the countryside for picnics and rambling about.  It did about 2 mph and was always overtaken and people beeped a lot but we had such great times in our powder blue 'Batmobile'.

    So that just goes to prove that its better than two wheels of a bike, or four wheels of a car.

    And you dont need 4 to have fun!

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