
Why the carbondioxide inside the soft drinks is not harmful for humans?

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Why the carbondioxide inside the soft drinks is not harmful for humans?




  1. carbon dioxide is used to make it fizzy

    carbon dixide makes carbolic acid and phophuric acid is present as well

    the carbon dioxide is dissolved in the fizzy drink when it hits the stomach it expands that is why you burp after a fizzy drink it is the carbon dioxide escaping

    as the carbon dioxide is going to the stomach and not the lungs it won't affect your breathing but too much fizzy drinks upsets the stomach because of the acid in it

    also it can cause tooth decay because of the sugar and acid

    hope that helps

  2. Are you confusing it with carbon-monoxide?

  3. Simple understandable answer:

    Because our hemoglobin doesn't have a high affinity to want to bind to Carbondioxide like it does for Oxygen.

    CarbonMONOxide however binds VERY TIGHTLY to hemoglobin which makes it unavailable for oxygen to bind which is why carbonmonoxide is bad and will kill you.

  4. well, we do we use it in breathing even though it's not thought to be--the brain detects the carbondioxide in our blood though our lungs, and tells your body to breath. for example, if you breathed pure oxygen, you'd die because there'd be no carbondioxide for you'r brain to detect and tell your body to breath. its the same concept if if you were suffocated. you need the carbondioxide to breath, just need oxygen to respire and release energy. lake of oxygen makes you drowsy and eventually all your organs won't have any energy and would shut down and you'd die.

    (carbondioxide in soft drinkes escapes into the air)

    therefore we need it, so it has to be harmless to us otherwise, we would die.

    but then again, it harms our teeth because carbondioxide is acidic and can give us acid erosion on our teeth

    which is not good. but it's not actually that much so it'd take a lot of soft drinks to do nasties to ya teeth. but by that time decay would have taken over, unless it's sugarfree softdrinks of course

  5. But don't drink too many fizzy drinks as it makes carbonic acid with the water which is very bad for your tooth enamel.

  6. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

    Carbon dioxide is the only gas suitable for providing the effervescence (fizziness) in soft drinks. This is because it is non-toxic, inert, virtually tasteless and is convenient for bulk transportation and storage

  7. because the CO2 goes into your stomach and not your lungs.

  8. ahahahahahhahahahahaha carbon monoxide!!! precious!!! carbon monoxide in soft drinks??? i love it!

    well i assume it's cos you burp it out anyway or it goes through your digestive as trapped wind and makes you f**t. i shouldn't think at any point is it taken in by the body. all the carbon dioxide paranoia is just made up by over-protective parents who worry too much, should be more worried about the sugar!

  9. because its compounded with some other stuff. regular old co2 is deadly.

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