
Why the censorship?? I just got an answer deleted for daring...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike express my belief that homosexuality is wrong. Are we such a sheltered group now that any views that don't conform must be gotten rid of?




  1. Well your views are wrong and bigoted by the sounds of it so that'll be why

  2. As the question has been deleted, I can't find out how you phrased it - but I do believe that you have the RIGHT to believe that homosexuality is wrong.

    I also have the right to believe that you are wrong - and we should both be allowed to express our opinions provided we don't blatantly offend anyone in the process...

  3. Because you're purposely using this as a forum to spread your personal agenda, not to ask intelligent questions.   And if you don't get your way, you kick and scream like a little kid.  Grow up.

  4. I have learned it is not allowed to be politically incorrect, you could have said that being straight was wrong in your opinion, and been given thumbs up all day, but to dare say being homosexual is wrong is well, just wrong in this day and age of enlightenment.

    Don't you see that that wrong is right and right is wrong?

    We are not allowed to express opinions in contrast to anyone else unless they are white, heterosexual, Christian males.

    Off with your head, it is actually thinking!

  5. its your right to voice an opinion

    whether its right or wrong !

  6. didnt see your original question....

    but guess you got reported ha ha

  7. I am with you there mate we live in a land of free speech yet we get pulled up by the P.C  brigade for voicing our View's

  8. I have to agree that in today's society it is a case of minority rules. It is wrong and I believe a significant change needs to happen. We are supposed to live in a country that allows freedom of speech , but your are only allowed to air yours views if it conforms to the "PC" way of thinking. When did it go so wrong and when will it change . I know something it will only change when people like you and I stop conforming and make ourselves heard because too many people now just accept the way of things because they don't want to singled out. If you think something is wrong then you should be allowed to say so.

  9. ah you picked on one of the most sensitive groups in yahoo

    they will fire ou off faster than their uhum ,, anyway .. they're sensitive .. they reprted you cause they cant debate like rational human beings ,, unless you were rude then it deserved it

  10. You have a right to express your view that you dont like g**s, but you cant be offencive about it. You must have offened someone, g*y or not.

    Just like someone can say they dont like you, but can say anymore than that otherwise it is considered offencive, espcailly if you say so

  11. There are a lot of things that your may dislike but you cannot just say things against other people it's not P.C

  12. right or wrong,free speech or censorship,..........complain to the mods if you think you should have the right to express your opinion...................i think minority groups in general are molly coddled and given too much air time when in a democratic society it is the majority who should be listened to!

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