
Why the citizen of Geneva assume that all people that live there could speak French?

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whenever i bought something they speak French and majority of them can't converse in English




  1. It's there mother tongue. ......the majority of the English speaking people can't converse in French.

  2. I agrees with Cora, at the bottom it's similar in all countries, not?

  3. Pretty stupid question.

    Well, I have news for you.  Geneva is a French speaking town. This is the main language.  Do you expect that everyone speak English in the world???  

    If you live there, you SHOULD at least speak some French.

    Most citizens in USA, don't even speak a second language. How would you feel coming in America, not speaking English, Do you expect to find someone in a supermarket speaking French or German???????  Or everyone in France or Germany should speak English because of lazy Americans don't want to learn another language??? Have you tried to live in Asia?

    If you have a problem, go to school and learn the language of the place you live, like foreigners do when moving to the US. (English As a Second Language or ESL).

  4. The Swiss are extremely multicultural and I would say that most just want you to try.  French is the main language in Geneva like German in Zurich.  Most people who visit a foreign place try to speak the language.  It's polite

  5. Why not? It is normal that the local people should speak in his own language. Geneva is in the French part of Switzerland. When I travel I try always to speak the local language and do not pretend that others speak my language. It is also a matter of respect.

  6. Don't know WHERE you are from but can I walk into your local shop and ask a question in eg german,french etc. IF english is spoken?

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