
Why the desire for vehicles with hundreds of horsepower more than necessary?

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I can see a sports car for the speed and a work truck for its job, but why these other vehicles that never tow or carry anything and never go off road? Don't use the old "I need the power for passing other vehicles" c**p- my 4 cyl. can pass anything going under 110 mph. We ARE supporting terrorism by driving these things!




  1. Your in the land of america where more is always better.  For instance, I own a 95 H1 Hummer....gets 6-8mpg in the city and 10-12 on the freeway....its inpractical, unessesary, but got its a monster off roading.  Do I need it...NO...can I drive it every day without spending 60$ in gas...NO.  But I love it.  Your in the land of freedom...the freedom to choose what you want.  And on a side selling the H1 today:)lol

  2. I drive a sports car because i enjoy the look,comfort,noise and headturning looks.

    The sporty the car the more luxury and style,as even most vip class cars have great bhp limits also.

    The speed is there but i drive safely .

    If anything we are supporting the workers as these cars cost so much hence giving the car workers jobs and showrooms workers etc etc.

  3. We don't actually buy 25% of our oil from Saudi Arabia.  It's more like 12%.  Our two biggest oil partners are Canada and Mexico.

    It's the same reason people buy the biggest house they can buy, because it's a symbol of their affluence.  Some folks look at their vehicle as a statement.  Others look at it as a means to get from Point A to Point B as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  4. Making some sweeping assumptions here, aren't you?  Are we supposed to just accept that "vehicles have hundreds of horsepower more than necessary" and "we support terrorism by driving these things" at face value just because you said so?  What is your proof for either of your assumptions?

    But to answer your 'question'--for the same reason a couple with no children wants a 4 bedroom house.  Status.  Value for their money.

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