
Why the **** do we divide the nation with political parties.?

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why aren't there more people voting independent or making their own partys




  1. the original reason was because it's difficult for a politician to get enough money, support, and ultimately, votes to be viable unless you have the full support of a powerful political party behind you.

    Political parties are a joke these days, but it's still the only way to keep every kook who has 50 million dollars and a huge ego from dominating the political debate.

    Ross Perot came fairly close to buying the election in 1992, and some day, a Billionair will buy the presidency, and that will be MUCH WORSE than a corrupt 2-party system as we have now.

  2. We need a Freemason Party.

  3. Political parties are fundamentally antidemocratic as they can often force a representative to vote along lines that are contrary both to his or her conscience and more importantly

    not what the people he or she represents want.

    Ban all political parties and have spending limits set very very low to ensure that the excessively wealthy don't drown out the voices of those who have to spend a greater percentage of their wealth on things like food and bills.

  4. Have you heard the saying " Divide and conquer" Well we are taught that one of the two parties are the best or vote for the least of the two parties. Well in fact, both parties are controlled by the same people, on the national level. The nation is run by the Council of Foreign Relations. So you see they have divided us and went on to conquering. They have had the white house for 75 years

  5. I think there are more people voting independent now than formerly, and I think the number of independent voters will continue to increase as more people get fed up with the big 2 parties.

  6. Because there are two kinds of people in this country.  Ones that care about others, and ones that care about themselves.  There are many degrees in between, but that's the basic distinction.

  7. How would YOU like to divide us, Mein Fuhrer?

    Oh!  The plural of "party" is "parties."  Perhaps you were skipping fifth grade on the day when your teacher gave the lesson on changing the "y" to an "i" and adding "es."

  8. because the world doesn't work like that.

  9. Americans today would have a hissy fit if they had to choose from more than 2 candidates.

  10. who has the money to do that?

    in order to even run for elections, you need a lot of money

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