
Why the double standard?

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Why is it ok for men to be topless in public and NO ONE says a word, but if a woman went out in public topless, everyone would be in an uproar and have her arrested for indecent exposure?

Why are women's nipples considered sexual, but a man's nipples aren't?

Last time a checked, b*****s are for feeding babies.

Why the double standard?




  1. "Why are women's nipples considered sexual, but a man's nipples aren't?"

    You tell me, why aren't you turned on by a man's nipples?

  2. b*****s are considered a sexual part by MOST cultures in the world. That's why.

  3. It's not like that for every country. Many countries don't see b*****s as offensive or a big deal. It's a big deal in America, but b***s are sexualized and flaunted, yet covered, so it makes them taboo and forbidden fruit, which makes them naughty, therefore, inappropriate to be seen, because of the visual/sexual anticipation towards them.

    Legs are s**y and so are a woman's hips, but they are not hidden, and are shown casually whereas b*****s are only shown when having s*x or in a sexual scene, therefore, other sexually attractive parts don't create the visual sexual anticipation because they don't have the mystery and taboo behind them, which b*****s do, therefore, seen as naughty. I don;t know if I would want women to walk around with b*****s casually as I like the mystery, but maybe people shouldn't also make a huge deal about them either.

    Yeah men don't have b***s, well fat guys, and that would be obscene I would think, lol. But if a man is built he will have pecs. So men don't have b*****s, so what? So pecs aren't sexually appealing now?

  4. men dont have anything,women have big b*****s and that is why they are considered sexual.

  5. Because women have b*****s and men don't? That's just my wild guess.

  6. I want a wet tshirt competition.

  7. Americans are totally prudes.

    Either let women go topless or make men cover up cause this is un equal and is not fair!

  8. I don't know, apparently women don't find men's nipples to be erogenous zones or sexual even if he is well built, which is unfortunate for many men. It's already a part without a biological function, but talk about an underappreciated waste of flesh, right?

    : (

    Very interesting answer from the knowlegeable Patois.

  9. In all patriarchal societies there are "modesty" rules of keeping a part of a woman's body covered.  It is a sexual fetish imposed onto public society. The covering of the fetish flesh area enhances male's sexual pleasure while "unwrapping" that part and having that area of flesh seen and touched all for himself.  Muslim' bags over their women's heads, Chinese foot-binding, breast-covering modesty rules, etc. are all the same flesh fetish stuff.  In some cultures it is the back of a woman's neck that must be covered and not her b*****s.  In time, those flesh fetish behaviors become incorporated into customs, religious notions of "purity" and modesty and judicial laws.

    Long ago, a woman who covered her flesh and protected it from the sun was favored as a s*x object because her skin was softer from lack of sun damage and was more likely to attract the best or wealthiest meal-ticket.  And, women who did not have to work in the fields suffered less sun damage and they, too, were favored as softer-skinned s*x objects.  In time, women of fair skin became associated with "high class" social status and "lower" class men desired "high class" women.  Women were forced to do whatever made them attractive as s*x objects in order to get a meal-ticket back when women were not allowed to have any other means of survival and keeping whatever current flesh fetish area of their bodies covered become ingrained social behavior among women and they passed down through the generations behaviors to their daughters about "modesty" requirements, which, as I said, got incorporated into religions and laws, and which helped their daughters bag a meal-ticket.  In all religious / conservative societies today women continue to support these sexual flesh fetish behaviors.  Can you imagine anything sicker than conservative women in the 60's screeching "OBSCENITY!!" at some of the first women in the U.S. who began to breastfeed their babies in public?

  10. I wouldn't have her arrested, but I might take some photos of her

  11. because it is society, besides no one wants to see man b***s either.  eewww!

  12. I have never yet met a man who did not consider b*****s to be highly sexual.  If you go out topless, then you are invariably going to attract a lot of male attention.  Why do you want to do that?  I would certainly not be comfortable going around topless even if it was socially acceptable.  I doubt if I would have been comfortable with it even in my dissolute youth.

  13. ive been wondering this for a while too, i personally have come to the conclusion that it's just how society has evolved

    (although they may be an erogenous zone, aren't a persons lips an erogenous zone as well? - and if so why aren't they covered up?)

    i think if you put a man and a woman in a jungle from birth and made them grow up there - they'd be wondering why on earth us westerners are all about boobies and OMG i saw a nipple!

    im sure this whole "nipple!!! i saw a nipple!" would die down if we took away the media for a few years ..... that s***s got too much influence for it's own good.

  14. When I tell people about GWS, this is the question I use to illustrate . . .  (pick one)

    a.  sheer stupidity

    b.  intelligence and insight


  15. As an officer sworn to uphold the law, it is considered indecent exposure to have lady mams out for all to see. It is a distraction, and causes men to have car wrecks.

    For some reason our society frowns on it, and if you've seen any of the chicks I've seen in the can you'd re-think them having the option to go topless.

    ~Officer Focker

  16. b*****s are sexualized in America. (and women have b*****s). That being said in America you can't go out in public with any sexualized body part exposed (***, p***s, v****a, b*****s) . It may seem prudish to cultures that don't sexualize b*****s expecially those in Europe but this is a different culture and must be respected.

    Plus i don't understand the ladies in America really WANT to walk around topless?? I've already heard many women complain about being ogled, this is only going to increase that.

    Let it go....more important topics to touch on.

  17. There are a lot of men I would much prefer seeing not going topless. Many them have b*****s that are actually larger than those of the average woman. It's especially gross if those b*****s sag or hang down. These are quite common in men who are fat, have lost a lot of weight recently, or are older.

  18. I agree 100% that it is a double standard and needs to change.  Luckily, several states in the US have recognized this and are making changes.  For example, a woman can go topless in New York in settings where men are allowed topless.

    As far as those saying a woman's nipple is far more sexual are obviously not from Europe. I was just there recently and went topless in Greece on the beach.  Although there were men there, they didn't bat an eyelash.  They just don't care about it the same way American men do.  Not to say that they don't appreciate b***s in a sexual situation, but that simply SEEING a breast does not MAKE it a sexual situation.

    Americans, in general, are still very prudish when it comes to 1) the human body and 2) sexuality.  Eventually they're going to need to get over the taboo and their repressed sexual desires and just let people be.

    Either allow women to go topless or tell men they have to cover up.  Simple as that.  Its about equal rights and double standards (while may always run rampant in everyday society) should not exist in the laws.

    EDIT@Ralphy-- Its not about if we want to actually go topless-- its about simply being given the choice.  Would I go topless on the beach here in the US?  No, not until its been allowed for several years and no longer a big deal.  But you complain about ogling and yet, in Europe where going topless in no big deal, the men didn't ogle.  They're used to it.  

    And besides, we should allow this double standard because its "our culture"?  That sounds dangerously close to saying that its alright for women to be forced to always covered up, from head to toe, simply because it is the culture.

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