
Why the fear over Creationism in schools?

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Haven't been in a classroom lately have you? you take yourselves and your agenda far too seriously... any angle to keep kids from hearing what you don't agree with. Troubling.




  1. It's not balanced.  Evolution is accepted by the vast majority of the scientific community.

    Creationism is not.  

  2. Because there is no evidence for creationism that is observable and measureable. It is a cultural matter, not an education matter. If people choose to send their children to a private christian school then I'm fine with the teaching of creationism. If the school is a public school then it should stick to teaching ideas that have the backing of the international science community.  

  3. ur a teacher and u misspelled educate and actually used the phrase "non agenda way"? sure you are! lol

    anyway, we dont teach creationism because the christians that made it, despite there being no evidence, infer that the God that did creation is their God. Religion has no place in school. Thats like teaching everyone the earth might be 6000 years old! thats SOLELY and ONLY a christian/jewish idea. It has nothing to do with hinduism, buddhism, etc etc. Why should we favor those two religions above all the others?

    Religion doesn't belong in school. Its unconstitutional

  4. Creationism is not science AT ALL. Teach it in a religion class.

    And no, it's not fair, because I'm sure they aren't teaching all the different Creation stories from ALL the religions.

    Creationism does not belong in a public school whatsoever. If you want kids taught about Creation, either send them to a private school or home school them.  

  5. I an not as worried with your area as i am college.

  6. How can it be balanced?

    Creationism has no theory, no evidence.  You're talking only about the christian concept of creation and nothing else.

    In short you have nothing to educate them with.

  7. I believe both sides should be taught or no side at all.

    For the people who say there is no evidence of creationism then they obviously are ignorant.(Ignorant means lack of information)

    I was a teenager who grew up believing evolution.  I was wondering why someone would be so stupid to think that the Earth was 6000 years old but I checked to se why and ended up believing creationism.  It isn't perfect but has a lot more plausible evidence than evolution has.  

    I am 17 and I am a born again christian.  My favorite subject is science.

    I don't care if Hovind got sent to jail for tax evasion.  It won't change the fact that there are petrified trees in the different layers of sediment.  It doesn't change the fact that Piltdown man was proven the fake and the person admitted to lying about it.  It doesn't change any of the evidence that Mr. Hovind presented.  It was a personal mistake in his personal life.  

    Evolution is a good theory but it is ultimately serverly flawed.  The only reason why people even accept evolution is because because the only alternative is God.  They refuse to believe him because they are stubborn.

    Just go to the link and watch the video about a debate between a creationist and a evolutionist.  You will laugh when you relise how flawed evolution is and how much evidence there is for creationism.

  8. Because there are zero scientific papers in support of it.  It isn't science, only religion.  You would be welcome to a balanced discussion if the papers were balanced.  Right now it's tens of thousands to ZERO.  So that is what science says about it and that is the only proper way to teach it.  They are making a debate where none exists.

    You do realize there are more papers against the Universal Theory of Gravity than against Evolution don't you?  It's 100% true, I know of at least 5.

    If you are in a public school what they are doing is illegal.

    Added:  No it doesn't matter that people want to chose to believe it.  We are talking about science.  Science debates in one of the 150 or so peer-reviewed journals.  As I said, there is no debate there AT ALL.

    Even conservative courts in then Dover case found the "agenda" was entirely on your side not ours.  So stuff it.

  9. Good idea.  

  10. Creationism has no basis in scientific fact.  Therefore, it should be only taught at church and home.  Do not attempt to dumb down my son at school.

  11. Please tell me where you teach because I want to make absolutely sure my child doesn't go to school there.

    Creation has no place in a science class.  It is not science period.  If you want you kids to have religion classes send them to church.

    BTW those science teachers should be fired.  They are interjecting there own personal ideology with no scientific basis into our young impressionable minds.

  12. I believe that the schools should simply lay out both concepts and talk a little about the bases for both beliefs and leave it at that. As for me I firmly believe in creationism but I also believe that God create evolution but not one specie evolving into another specie like the world believes. But God create in every specie including man the ability to evolve to be suited to any environment or habitat that  they are in so that the specie can survive in that environment. Just like the gazelle evolve to be faster for the survival of the specie then the cheetah too will evolve to be faster for its survival, God created this built in ability in all creatures for its own survival...But I believe that the Government's position is simply to respect of all religions in the public schools since there are many religions in America, and creationism should be taught in Church and in the Christian home...

  13. No teaching is not about informing of *** all things ***

    Do you teach numerology in mathematics class ?

    Do you teach astrology in history class ?

    Do you teach alchemy in chemistry class ?

    I would fire you immediately for just having these way too liberal thoughts of what education is about.

  14. "Creationism" isn't science, it's philosophy...teach it in a philosophy class.  (That from a Christian).

  15. It isn't science and it doesn't belong in the science curriculum.   Popular points of view isn't what science is about.  There is a strict rigor to the scientific method and if one doesn't follow them, it's not science. A theory is not just a "point of view" it's a hypothesis that has undergone rigorous testing.  A hypothesis must be testable and since no one has figured out a way to test for the existence of a creator, creationism is not science.

    That does not mean that there is no value to religion, its just that they talk on different planes.  Science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of deity, therefore, it does not concern itself with it.  Let religion deal with matters of spirit and science to deal with nature and the world will be much better off.

  16. "and let them be informed about what people believe out there"

    You can teach beliefs in Cultural Anthropology and similar subjects, not in a Science classroom. You don't sound fit to educate anyone at all.

    "Philosophy? - So then it's ok to teach the "Theory" of Evolution??

    That argument isn't true in how people see it in the real world."

    OK moron, if you're really a teacher, you and your employer should be fired immediately.

  17. Because there are many in this country who want ANY mention of a higher power to be completely removed from the public period!

    They do not want intelligent, open minded discussions in school, they want total obedience, and complete control.

  18. Absolutely. In fact I think we can do away with most of the classes except creationism and replace them with bible study. And I don't think we need to be messing around with all that reading stuff. Just have one person , the teacher, doing the reading and the rest of the students should just listen, believe and obey.  

  19. yea, i don't understand why people can not hear both sides of it. i have no problem with world religion being taught in schools. no one is being forced..its just teaching about other peoples belief systems around the world.  if you just teach kids ONE thing..that is being narrow also have to teach kids that no everyone is going to have the same belief and think like they do. nothing wrong with going outside of the box.  

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