
Why the following scientist femous for?

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Sir Alee Jeffreys, Dr. V.K. Kashyap &Dr. Laljii Sing, Sir Willam Herschal,





  1. try wikipedia

  2. 1- invented the DNA finger printing technique at Leicester university.

    2- started the fingerprinting techenology in India.

    3- Science of finger printing was first used by him in 1858.

    4- He was the first person with the cooperation with his co-workers in 1997 at Roslin I nstitute in Edinburgh produced the world first cloned mammal i.p. a sheep named Dolly.

  3. do your own homework. and use the spell checker.

  4. i agree with carlito... try wikipedia

  5. Google Search!

  6. Sir Alee Jeffreys, dicovered dna fingerpriniting

    Dr. V.K. Kashyap &Dr. Laljii Sing, no idea

    Sir Willam Herschal,

    Wilmut. dicovered uranus.

  7. Type their names into the address bar, one at a time, and see what kind of information comes up.  You have a virtual library at your fingertips.  

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