
Why the government does not allow full and independent investigation of the 911?

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911 although affecting us, it has/ and is affecting ppl all over the world. Why other countries in the world does not put pressure on US to submit to a full and independent investigation of the event?




  1. Because there are things to hide. By now it's too late anyways.

  2. and the answer is, "fergetaboutit!"

  3. For the same reasons you haven't personally mailed a letter to Spain's government saying, "Hey there, blokes, why haven't you filed a full and independent report on the Madrid train bombings?"

    I can see three main reasons.

    First - it's pretty well been investigated already. The FBI, the CIA, antiterrorism task forces and other groups started looking for the culprits as soon as the first plane crashed. We now have videos of Bin Laden planning the attacks, we know which people on the planes were working together, we have been able to track how they planned the whole thing out (including how some of the terrorists went to flight schools or Al-Qaida training camps), and we have testimony from other people in Al-Qaida who were involved - including the 20th hijacker, who missed his plane by five minutes and thus missed his chance to become a mass murderer.

    Second, because there's no one to submit such a thing to. The U.N.? What are they going to do, send an angry letter to Al-Qaida and shake their finger in a "tsk, tsk" fashion?

    And third, because a full report on 9/11 has already been compiled. (It was a bestselling book for a while, too, if I recall correctly.) Do you want a second edition? If so, why? What hasn't already been addressed by the hundreds of pages in the first report?

  4. Bush and Cheney know a LOT more than they have told so far.   These two crooks are only employees of WE THE PEOPLE what makes them think they are not accountable?

  5. there are rumors that the US set the whole thing up. if you watch the documentary Ferenhite 9/11 you will find out that G.W Bush was aware of the upcoming attack and did jack **** about it.

  6. Dude, it's been done and the conclusion was as expected, it was due to the terrorist flying into the buildings. Get a life.

  7. There are a number of areas where an investigation might focus. What specifically did you have in mind?

    Fire department and other Emergency service response.

    Why the buildings collapsed/Design of tall buildings

    How the terrorists managed to foil security?

    Why the terrorists attcked the US/What were the motives.

    Or something else.

  8. e-mail the president ask him

  9. Because they're scared to. It would create chaos if the truth came out in the mainstream.

    It is pretty much accepted by everyone with the least interest in it, that the official story is absolute, and demonstrable nonsense, but no one at government level in the West wants to rock the boat.

    There are a growing number of ex-government people who now feel free to express their opinions, but only last night on the BBC in the UK, there was a blatant propaganda piece implying that all who doubted the official theory were either bonkers, or out to make a buck. It was embarrassing to watch, and sad to have my illussion that the BBC even tried to be a bit neutral, completely shattered.

  10. An independent investigation by who ??

    I thought thats why we had the FBI .

    To investigate things.

  11. Hate to break it to ya, but it's been done and each one has concluded exactly what we've been told happened. Are you a card carrying conspiracist?

  12. We're trying to put the issue to rest.

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