
Why the heck are we always complaining?

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Why aren't we conquering instead?




  1. Complaining can be a bonding experience.

  2. Who are we to conquer when we can barely manage our own affairs let alone take on the responsibility of others.

  3. We aren't always complaining are we? Well according to your question we are complaining because when we want to get something and we don't get it so we start complaining right? That's a human quality. It isn't a BIG question. But great one!  

  4. ...its human whine at the slightest infraction... many politicians want to talk instead of conquering the issue...

  5. Conquering is hard work.  Complaining is easy.

  6. Complaining is  our safety valve  to make us feel better. By complaining we make someone else responsible for our own failures and shortcomings. That makes us feel better.

    That we failed to conquer  is a dampening force psychologically.  If we admit it  we will feel disheartened and will not go forward . Instead we blame it on others and go forward. The moment we succeed we will beat our chest and say that it is all due to  our own efforts.

  7. because ppl are too lazy..and can only carp...carp...carp

  8. Couldn't this question be considered complaining.  Why are people always complaining about our complaining.

  9. cause i got no bloody money

  10. A very good question!

    Sri Aurobindo consider this as a test of equality.

    "Whatever the unpleasantness of circumstances, however disagreeable the conduct of others, you must learn to receive them with a perfect calm and without any disturbing reaction. These things are the test of equality. It is easy to be calm and equal when things go well and people and circumstances are pleasant; it is when they are the opposite that the completeness of the calm, peace, equality can be tested, reinforced, made perfect."

    - Sri Aurobindo

  11. It's how we recognize flaws, and devise better ways to do things.

    But there needs to be a happy medium between complaining and acting.

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