
Why the heck would anyone want a hummer!?

by  |  earlier

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you know, with gas prices over 4 bucks and people actually being put in the poor house from it, people are still out there buying gas guzzlers!

I've never seen so many H2's and Escalades and denali's

worse yet is the people that have one of those and still complain about the prices.

why get a vehicle that gets like 5 maybe 10 mpg when there are cars that get 40+ and cost half as much?

is it solely for the "power"? how much do you need? why does anyone need a 400hp v8 powerhouse?




  1. Probably for the same reason some people buy a Lear jet when they "COULD" buy a smaller prop job, or why some people buy a 160FT yacht when they "COULD" buy a 80FT.

    It all depends on your point of view.

    The bottom line is: when you can afford stuff like that, your opinion changes somewhat.

    For MY money, I would rather have a motorhome with a bathroom for the $$ a Hummer costs.

  2. A lot of people that own these big suvs have more money than they got sense. I know that some people may need a large suv because they have a large family which is fine. However, there are a lot of people that have them and don't need them and they belly ache about the high gas prices.

  3. You are so right the people that buy the biggers cars are the one that complain the most about the gas. I live 20 miles from my job and there a guy who lives 2 miles from my job yet he complain the most about the gas then anyone I work with. I think they buy the bigger cars because there more space inside them then a compact car.

  4. Those people are really stupid.  I live 20 miles from my job and I drive at a maximum of 60 mph. I have done this my last two tanks of gas and I have drove an extra 40+ miles.  I get great gas mileage when I slow down a little.  Everyone else should too!!

  5. It took me a long time to get used to the way the hummer looks. I really didn't like them initially. Recently i've observed lots of people driving hummers that look as if they can't afford them. I think thats because it cost so much to fuel these vehicles the prices are going down thus allowing people that otherwise wouldn't be able to afford them to all of a sudden be able to. I think the only people that buy these vehicles now are the super rich or super ------.

  6. There are people that just large the extremely large vehicles, be it for a sense of security, they haul a lot and hate vans, frequently use 4X4, they tow but need 3 rows or are just into those types of vehicles.  I do not get H2's and H'3, a Hummer is and H1 and needs to be diesel.  There are people that actually need them, but they are a very small segment of the purchasers.  The power isn't really that great in a large vehicle, they could get a sports car that has similar power and costs about the same if we are talking buying the thing new.  I guess people can buy what ever they want and they have the right to complain about the price of gas, even though they knew what they where getting into.

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