
Why the h**l am i so lazy?

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i am so lazy. it takes me forever to get dressed just because i go so slow. i hate going out if i'm not already out for soemthing. i ditch my friends alot just so i can lay around. like i'm really outgoing and social and have alot of friends. but it seems to be so different during the summer. i like to do alot of my own stuff. i guess i'm not lazy, i just don't feel like hanging out with people. cause i go to dance and stuff, and like i shop and i liek to get up early. but most days, if i'm just laying around at home, i would much rather do that than go out. and also, i go out if i'm at a friends house. but not my own house. am i lazy, or just avoiding social situations? will my friends start to disclude me from stuff and get annoyed of me.?




  1. I'm the same way.  I don't know why.

  2. You're a procrastinator and possibly anti-social.

  3. Maybe you are clinically depressed.

  4. Hang out with ur friends this 1 kid I hangout with rarly comes and when he does he leaves us. Every1 in my group hates him so dam much we didn't before he started to leave us...if u leave them and don't hangout with them u will get very bored trust me...when I'm not hanging out with people I get very bored...but other then that well I guess u could call yourself lazy at times...

  5. u knw why ur lazy...its coz ur not interested in wat ur doing...unless u feel excitement for wat ur gonna be doin..then its worthless...u need MR T to yell at u..and set u

  6. You're not lazy, stop being so hard on yourself.  You need a bit of self-therapy.  Try this:  stand up, make a good solid fist with your right hand (or left hand) and give yourself a mighty smack in the head. Then say 'and let that be a lesson to you'.  Feel better?

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