
Why the h**l are we building the largest US embassy in baghdad?

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Why the h**l are we building the largest US embassy in baghdad?




  1. I can think of only one logical reason.  I could think of places that we could maybe spend more on an Embassy, other than Baghdad, UNLESS.....

    Don't laugh....but the reason could be " electronic surveilance ".   In a large building, listening post(s) could be set up, we could monitor up into Russia and over into China and down into India, Pakistan.

    There does not have to be large antennas and an abundance of structures for sophisticated electronic listening these days.

    There are structures here in the states that listen in across the ocean every day ( and you would not think so by looking outside the structure ).  The Baghdad compound could enhance this capability, and easily uplink to satellites.

  2. to show the Iraqis we are behind them and will be from now on. It's called diplomacy you know the thing liberals are always crying about.

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