
Why the h**l do they take OUR horses!!!!!!!!?

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Okay, I know horse slaughter may never be closed down, like ever.

but since its illegal for US to slaughter horses, then why do they take OUR horses?

cant they take THEIR horses??




  1. unfortunately for all the hippies.... we need horse slaughter granted yes it does suck, BUT 90% of horses that go are to sick, weak, or to old for anybody to care, there are only so many rescues, and not many people are willing to take the ex race horses on. I have never had the need to sell a horse to slaughter, but i know that it is a necessary evil.

    The slaughter is such a big part of the industry that without it the market will suffer more and more each year.

    Now for all of you who don't own horses and are talking out your rear, or have them as a hobby you ride once in a while, WONDERFUL, now you can sleep in peace at night knowing you saved the horses.

    Also know that without slaughter the number or horses killed and dumped each year has shot up. people now cut out the lip where the tattoo is on race horses, shoot them and dump them, i know because i have found them before. The number of horses just set free because they can't be kept is up now to.

    And those of us making a living off of training, or anything directly affected by the horse markets economy, are suffering. Congrats i hope you can sleep at night, feel free to give me thumbs down, or feel free to email me with a legit argument.

    But if do not own or work with horses, and are not knowledgableabout them, please keep quiet.

    and WOW hay is only $4 a bale in Ky? up to 12 in some parts of az.

  2. I have a rescue and i got a call on three horses tonight...Its hard rescue do not have enough space and i know whats going to happen if i dont take them.  I have to decide if i can take on more.  People sell their horses at auction all the time, some really good ones to, no one takes them they are purchased from the owner.

  3. I live in KY and hay is at

    $8.00 a small square bale!!!! We had a drought and then a flood so all the crops died. People let their horses go on the sides of roads. I would rather them be killed quickly for slaughter than have to die slowly of hunger.....

  4. They DON'T TAKE them, they SELL them

  5. have you ever looked at an equine rescue website? these places are so booked because people don't have the brains to take care of their horses. slaughter houses are a must for the US because horses that are not being cared for can go somewhere where they are fed and watered.  even though they are being killed they are not starving to death or being worked to death or being dehydrated. yes slaughter houses do not humanely treat horses with respect while killing them but these horses are better off here than they where back with their former owners.  i have seen too many times horses standing out in a dirt pasture or a dry lot with no water in sight or locked up in a stall with manure six inches high.  these horses are better off at a slaughter house! not all horses will find a good loving home because people have no respect for animals!

  6. this question to me is like why do they sale dog /c**k fighting supplies if its illegal and why do they sale bongs if pot is illegal. Also on the wormer i give to my horse, says not to give it to them if its to be eaten basically. Craziness

  7. because they can and we let them.

    When people are responsible for their animals and dont breed irresponsibly than there would be no reason for such a situation to exsist.

  8. Who are "they" you are talking about? Other than thieves the only other people who "take" them are the county animal control authorities because of either abuse or neglect. I suppose thieves who "take" them might sell them for slaughter but county animal control authorities do not. The county animal control authorities will humanely euthanize horses which are in such bad medical condition that they cannot be saved but the others go to holding shelters where they will get proper health care and nourishment until a judge decides whether the owner is fit to have them returned or whether they will be adopted out. But animal control authorities do NOT! sell them for slaughter. Shame on you! if the "they" who took your horses are the animal control authorities.

  9. They take ours because they want to eat more than is available in thier countries, and ours can be had for cheap.  What's the difference, anyway?  If you are against slaughter, why does it matter if it's "our" horses or "their" horses?

  10. They are taking ours and theirs - I dont believe they are prejudice!

  11. Who is "they"? Horses end up getting slaughtered because their owners sell them. Nobody is coming into your pastures and taking your horses for slaughter. So, they're there because their owners put them there.

    Too many horses in this country, and not enough homes. And the people who own them who can't afford to buy hay at $4/bale aren't going to be able to afford to euthanize the old and sick horses, and they can't keep them, either. So, for a few bucks they send them off to the auctions instead. The kill buyers send them to Mexico or Canada and then slaughter them instead.

    They wouldn't be in slaughter houses if their owners kept them. Horses live for a long time. Owners of horses don't keep them for their lifetime. So, what to do about it? Keep your horse for its lifetime. Fix behavior problems by sending it to a professional trainer. Don't get more horses than you can care for. And quit breeding grade horses!

  12. I have to agree with Blue Sage Badger.  Not everyone has the money to feed and care for horses that are unuseful for pasture buddies/ unwanted.  Check into and see what you find.  I know it sounds cruel, but research it.

  13. i have wondered that myself.  MY oppinion is that no one would sell to them so they had to come here.  It would be nice to have some regulated rules for these people

  14. The sad truth is with our economy we need slaughter houses. People keep breeding undesirable and unwanted horses that take up the resources of the responsible equine owners. Price of feed, hay, and tack continue to soar because the demand is so high and there are very little resources left to feed and house all the unwanteds. There is even talk of doing another mass slaughter of wild or free range burros and mustangs. People are even getting as bold as dropping their equine in other peoples pastures and leaving them to fend for themselves.

    Since people are going to continue to breed irresponsibly then it would be best for the unwanted, abused, and neglected horses to go to slaughter instead of dying of starvation and neglect in the pasture next door. The benefits of keeping slaughter homes open far out way the risks of people starving and abandoning their equines.

  15. They take them's a major business and the market is and demand.

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