
Why the h**l is it raining in spain?

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im going on holiday in a few days i think the world should be annoyed for me!




  1. Because  the rain in Spain, falls mainly on the plains.

    But have a nice holiday, any way.

  2. “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”

    your question reminds me of a song.. and also reminds me of a very common phrase in Madrid at this time of year is “Hasta el 40 de Mayo, no te quites el sayo” - Don’t take your coat off until the the 40th of May, meaning, obviously, that you can’t bet on non-stop good weather until at least June 10th..

    OK serious answer:

    An article in the recent Journal of Geophysical Research puts the spotlight directly on the rain in Spain as four scientists from the Universidad of Extremadura examined precipitation records from throughout the Iberian Peninsula from 1958 to 1997. We have been told many times before that global warming will impact precipitation and generally increase the rainfall for the planet as a whole. while this may lead an argue.. that increased precipitation would be a good result of warming.. still this is something we should worried about..

    The just-released Summary for Policymakers of the new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report (AR4) states that “The frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased over most land areas, consistent with warming and observed increases of atmopsheric water content” and “is very likely” that “heavy precipitation events will continue to become more frequent” during the 21st century. Portugal and Spain are certainly land areas.

    the conclusion is the rain in Spain might be a Spain pain to greenhouse predictions.

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