
Why the h**l was South Africa sticking up for Robert Mugabe?

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Why the h**l was South Africa sticking up for Robert Mugabe?




  1. Mbeki is Robert Mugabe's ****** !

  2. No need for expletives just because you are in complete ignorance of the history of these two 'Freedom Fighters'.

    Read about the struggle to free Rhodesia (Now Zimbawe) from the white man's strangehold.

  3. -mugabe freed his country from the british. he was seen as a freedom fighter

    -zimbabwe is next door to south africa. If zimbabwe goes insane, then S. Africa gets millions *more* refugees on it's doorstep

    -in public stood up or zimbabwe, but behind closed doors they probably said different things. sometimes that works better

    now is taking a harder line.

  4. Their leader wants to be him someday.  God help the white South Africans.

  5. Because the ANC and Zanu PF are both old allies from the Independence days. Mugabe is a hero amongst African leaders, something they don't mention that often when asking for handouts from the UK.

  6. we should never have feed them meat,

    a private hit or three may well sort out a lot of Africa's political problems if the corruption  allows ?

  7. A common cause.P3epe is correct.

  8. Mbeki, their president, is a pretty crazy guy... for example, he doesn't really believe in HIV/AIDS... he also is not very nice to Zimbabwean expatriots who live in his country

  9. We need to save the Whites in Africa, they voted for democracy, to end apartheid and all they received were racism and stupidity.

  10. Now that is the leading question!?It appears Mbeki is out on a limb!Perhaps he is repaying past favours??

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