
Why the hype of black men and white women?

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Why do white guys think that all white women crave black men,when white girls dont care either way,so why the hype where it start?




  1. the black boys only get the wigger women. thosewomen might as well be black.

  2. Don't know, don't care.

    It sounds to me like you're a little jealous;)..Did a White girl dump you for a Black guy? A lot of them definitely crave the chocolate, because Black men are known for being very manly & taboo amongst White women..I guess the contrast of a husky Black man and a tiny, White woman just seems so badass.

    But as far as I'm concerned, the White girls can just have all the Black guys..I'll just steal the s**y White men;)

  3. I think the people involved in those relationships create all the hype. I am not against it. I date outside my race as well. But I have a lot of white girl friends who don't date outside their race. They're not racist or small minded. They are just comfortable with their own kind. I understand this comfort because I as well, date white men. Still I think that there are white women who date interracially or is interested in dating outside their race. But the number of white women who do date interracially does not exceed the number that dates within their race. It's not even close to comparison.

    And I have noticed when I'm out in public "some" bm/ww couples will look at you to see if your gonna give them a rude look or something. Why is that? Why do some couples feel they need to look for approval or disapproval? So what if you date a white woman! It's not world news or history in the making lol. You don't owe anyone anything. I also notice that "some" not all, black men walk around with white women like she's some kind of trophy. Like he's won the Olympics or something. That's kinda pathetic. I remember I was walking in the mall and this black guy was walking with a white female and when I crossed in front of them to walk into a store he gave me this evil smirk. Like saying with his mind, I would never date you lol. And his gf was fat and nasty and he looked pretty rough too.

    So it is mostly these couples creating the hype. Never do I hear about it anywhere else besides Y!A. Not even in the media a lot. I see it every now and then. But I don't hear all the hype about it anywhere other than the internet.

  4. Dunno.

    Ever notice you barely ever hear anything about White Guys and Black Women? The last couple like that I saw in the media was Ted Danson and Whoppie Goldberg.

  5. i dont know but i dont think there was any "hype" other then the people making the "hype" about them.. black women and white men seem to be ok with everyone so why cant white women with black men? i honestly dont get it though... my mom is black dad is white and they never get any bull from people other then from black people.. but when its white women black men the whole world is hatin.. some ppl i guess will just never fully accept them being together.. I personally dont care at all.. i mean there just people who happend to of fallen in love with someone of a different race, is it really that big of a deal that its gonna effect my life? nope its not.. so why should i worry and get all worked up about it??

    Edit: and just for your information Mel Maxwell, us mixed people are not confused, ive gotten along fine with both whtie AND black people, yes ive experience ignorant people from each of those races but thats life, there will always be ignorant people and I just learn to deal, I embrace both my white culture and black culture and I find your comment very offending... we are people just like everyone else and believe it or not MOST people living in america are mixed with something or the other.. no one is pure anything unless you live in Europe or something... so just get over it and stop hate bashing.. if you truly love someone color wont matter.. and maybe you havent yet experience true love so you dont know that.. I mean my parents have been married for 40 years and there an interracial couple and they love eachother to death and im proud for them! im glad im mixed race and most of all im proud of what I accomplished in my life.. race has no play in it at all but me my mind and my wonderfull spirit =)

  6. Those who feel inadequate have their own theories when it comes to dating.

  7. Not to be mean or anything. But alot of the couples end up with their own kind (race) anyways.

    The interracial couples crave attention, by the way. Interracial couples hold hands and look around for stares. But they broke up anyways.. I dont know why lol? But yeah.

  8. idk. in fact its not that common in my area as far as interracial relationships. i see about as many black women with white men as i see white women with black men.  

  9. I don't think white guys think all white women want black men...I think most black woman think white women want their men. Just my opinion. It shouldn't really matter though...right?

  10. I have never noticed this only I keep hearing it on here.  This is not true, white women really don't care.  I am white and I have white friends who have liked all kinds of men.  What matters most is that they're a good person.  

  11. It's the Mandigo fantasies from the slave trade era when the wifes of the owners would sneak out late at night to have s*x with the male slaves.

  12. I think society still considers black men too threatening. They feel that black men will turn white women, (who are supposedly pure by historical contexts) into something vile. In order to understand this you'd have to take a walk back in history.Much of Jim Crow was based upon protecting white women from black men who were deemed as beasts. Also you might wanna watch Birth Of A Nation. It's an old silent movie but it answers some of your question and touches on some of the points I've made.

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