
Why the meat eaters?

by Guest58984  |  earlier

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the meat eaters seem to think its ok (but this just some of them) that we are the crazys which is when i get confused because you shouldn't really be telling people that what you belive is wrong.




  1. It is your body and your life, don't pay any attention to what others say.  Do what you want to do for you.

    Those of us that do eat meat get upset at "some" veggie people who get mad at us for what we do for our bodies.

    Both are right in what they eat.  No one is wrong.

    But both are wrong to criticise others and their way of life.

  2. There is a typo in your explanation of your typo.

    Anyone can come into any section and answer.  Commonly people simply click on the "Food" category and ALL questions under the subsections come up.

    More to the point, I think veggies get ticked at meat eaters when they think their way of eating is being attacked.  In the same vein, meat eaters feel veggies going off on rants about how bad meat is or how cruel it is to consume meat is attacking their way of eating.

    Why people waste so much energy being so concerned with what someone eats or doesn't eat is beyond me.

  3. Well I don't completely agree about the whole, "It's your choice" angle. Sure, people have a choice and they won't go to jail for killing animals, but how can people live with themselves killing dozens of animals every year just to satisfy a meat craving?

    IMO there's no debate against being vegetarian but there's PLENTY of grounds for debate for the unnecessary consumption of meat. Just because someone has the right to eat meat doesn't mean it's the right thing to do and many meat-eaters feel threatened by this and need to lash out to reduce their guilt.

  4. because they have miss understood the lifestyle. also many dont understand the will power it takes. ex: my little brother just wanted subway, so my mom gave me money to walk over there with him. i love cold cuts but i had to get veggie patty, TOTALLY AWSOMW BY THE WAY!, but i had never had it before.

    also the ones who do understand the will power are jelous.

  5. You would think they would just stay away from questions that don't apply to them.  But this happens on all the sections...check out Religion & would think it would be for people discuss religion and spirituality, right? Ask questions about certain beliefs, get answers.  Whatever...if someone doesn't agree, that's one thing, but when people answer a question and totally slam someone, that doesn't make them look very smart and it doesn't persuade anyone to their opinion.  I've seen some there occassionally, although I'm not a regular in any particular category. I didn't know it was here too...sorry.  Try to ignore them.

  6. Not at all, you don't eat meat, i do.. Its all choice, you're not crazy just

    because you stand by something you believe in.


  8. i agree with blusea

    there are plenty of omnivores who attack vegetarians way of life and the veggies defend themselves because they feel threatened just as omnivores defend themselves againt veggie rants along the lines of "meat is evil" or you cant be healthy and eat meat

    personally everyone has an opinion and you should all just except that
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