
Why the media black-out of Kerri Walsh thanking President Bush?

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If she had sent greetings to Obama it would have been all over the news. Day and night.

Is there a democratic bias in the media?




  1. Maybe people just don't care?

    I know I don't.

    And no. Republicans always say Democrats complain and yet anytime something doesn't go their way they start talking about the "liberal media bias". No, no, no. Get over it.


    There are twenty three thousand results for "Kerri walsh thanks president bush" on Google. Look at one of those if you want to learn about it so badly.

  2. Of course there is a bias in the mainstream media. They will NEVER show Kerri thanking Pres Bush because they are too vested in the doom and gloom of liberal politics and too invested in failure in Iraq. Showing someone thanking the President for a job well done might make people take a second look and that's not what they want. What they DO want are good little Obamabots who take what they say as gospel and follow like mindless sheeple. A perfect example of media bias is "No Way" Obama's visit to Iraq (his 1st and only)which the media covered in a virtual frenzy, yet when McCain went (and he has gone 4 times in the past 2 years) there was a total absence of media coverage, with the exception of the always reliable FOX news.

    The media's moral compass is so screwed up I don't know how they make it to the front door every morning !

  3. Of course there is a Democratic bias in the news. I just don't understand how people are so STUPID it's amazing. It doesn't matter if they blacked it out or not a good chunk of people seen it. You know the better part of the USA as well as the rest of the world that sat up until 1:00 in the morning watching the olympics. Trust me news travels very fast by mouth. Great job Kerri you got one in when they least expected it!! Obama is worthless..Vote for McCAIN

  4. Uhh for sure! Take 15 minutes to sit and watch CNN or MSNBC sometime. Isn't it odd that they hardly ever say one negative thing about democrats and the left? And no, its not because they never do anything wrong.  Most cable news stations, magazines and many newspapers are all VERY biased. To a point that they will just omit news if it isn't something that they like or agree with. Even most of my friends who are liberal agree that the news is SO biased. The New York Times is constantly retracting stories that are false because they make accusations up to try and spin things their way, yet the retractions are very small and in the part of the paper that hardly anyone ever sees, so people go on believing everything was true. Don't believe anything you hear, do your own research on everything, especially presidential candidates. Once someone does they probably wont ever vote for Obama.

  5. Kerri Walsh is thanking the President at the Olympics, an international event.  She's proud to be an American.  Why should the media consider it important that she thanks the President after receiving a second gold medal?  The election's coming up, Russia's invading Georgia, and the Chinese Gymnasts might be too young.  

  6. The libtards control all the media in the U.S. and try to brainwash people through Hollywood films.

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