
Why the murders New Zealand?

by Guest57726  |  earlier

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I mean why? On Friday a store owner was shot dead in a South Auckland liquior store. This morning a man held up police in downtown Dunedin with a gun. I mean was New Zealand always like this?

I know this stuff happens all the time here in Australia, possibly on a daily bases but for some reason I feel safer in Australia as I rarely see any trouble. In my home town, when I go back, I see fights, police cars chasing hoons 24/7 and teenagers wearing hoodies and gang coloured things.

It's probobly not as bad as it sounds, but since New Zealand is a small country where not much happens, they tend to blow up these strories on the news. What say you nz residents? Do you feel safe walking down the streets at night? Was nz always like this?

Thanks in advance :)




  1. i feel safe walking down the street at night time, alone or with someone. nz as well as evry other part of the world has always had gangs and murders. you think its bad what you hear but they actually don't even let you know half of whats going on.

  2. It's got really bad in some parts of Auckland...I would say that it's due to the upbringing of kids, who they hang out with at school and their neighbourhood they're brought up in...It starts with lack of love and respect in the home...I guess, violence, drugs and neglect...and the anger comes out in their children as they grow up....I lived in Sth Akld for a few years and saw a large amount of totally unnecessary abuse of children from their parents on the streets/malls which was shocking i.e hitting the little ones over the head repeatedly and the verbal abuse was a lot worse!  It's really sad to see parents treating their children worse than animals...I hope that NZ can start getting to the core of these problems..I really do!

  3. I have lived in auckland for 3 years now. I am from London, UK. In london there is alot of criminal activity, and i would say there is just the same amount here in auckland and the majority of NZ. I have seen more gang and criminal activity here in auckland than i have done in all my life back in the UK! I am not sure why, but I feel more safe back in london. There is so many gangs and nasty kids here who drive around drunk and crash their cars into innocent people... its not good. I think it's because NZ is an island nation, and on the islands people get away with anything, so its similar here! I am going home soon though!!

  4. Ive been staying in new zealand all my life and nothing happened to me so what are you saying huh!?

  5. Yep, its always like that. People get shot and murdered, its rediculious!

    Its also common for kids to get 'bashed'. Like a little girl last year (3) was put into a clothes dryer (it was turned on) strung to the clothes line and swung round it, and loads of other things, and the mother was behind it!

    Also the kahui twins, that was a hideous case.

    And it always seems to be the Maoris or Polynesians.

    And things like gangs and stuff....Mainly in the North island, and parts of Auckland. A 13 year old boy (long story, so I'll just do the outcome) bashed a guy to death with a baseball bat.

    Then again, Christchurch (south island) has the worst rating for voilence in NZ...

    Some of the things that happen are just so sad

    Anyway...go figure

  6. It's due to population overburden

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