
Why the olympics metal ranking is by total metals on Yahoo US, while it;s by gold medal count on all others?

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why the olympics metal ranking is by total metals on Yahoo US, while it;s by gold medal count on all international Yahoo sites?

further more, why this is the 1st time total metal count is used in US media for the ranking? check any previous like 2004 game coverage in US (and all over the world), total gold medal count had been used.

what does this tell us?




  1. Many Americans can't stand losing, and American Media can't stand losing to the Chinese.

  2. Do you guys have a problem with the way we count our medals? I mean WORRY about your country, don't hate on ours.

    Team USA!!!

  3. As for the ranking, our beloved Americans now have a new argument for saying that it's actually U.S.A that has won the most gold, not China.

    Surprised? Want to know why they think this way?

    Well, instead of counting gold for each sport as a single event, our beloved Americans want to count all the people who receive gold. So, if U.S wins basketball, then, it is not one gold for this event, but all the basketball players, that's more than 10 gold for basketball alone. Since U.S.A has won more TEAM sports, they of course will have more gold if you count gold this way. See?

    America CANNOT lose, no matter what. We are the superior race.

  4. Because the Americans want to be look good.

  5. It tells us that we have got to find a new topic to discuss.

  6. It tells us you have too much time on your hands.

  7. Relax, the IOC goes by gold medal count.

    The US media has historically ranked countries in an 'overall total' manner, with all medals being added up and a ranking based on which country has the greatest number.

    Basiclly, Yahoo can make it total medal count, or gold medal count. But the IOC REALLY goes by gold medal count. The media just likes twist things around.

    "The ranking sorts by the number of gold medals the athletes from a nation have earned (in this context, a "nation" is an entity represented by a National Olympic Committee)."

    China ranked number 1.

    The table original sorted here is the real medal count organized by the IOC.

    Here, this will determine who ranked in medal count.

  8. We are already second place to China in terms of economics and military power. This is all we have left. At least let us tell ourselves that we have the most medals.

  9. It tells me that this is the 100th time this question has been asked.

  10. for the love of God.

  11. yea, i live here of love it... but the media is what it is... they need to learn few basics still...

  12. because the USA was the better team.

    Total Medalists

    USA = 315

    China = 186

    Total Gold Medalists

    USA = 125

    China = 74

    Total Silver Medalists

    USA = 109

    China = 56

    Total Bronze Medalists

    USA = 81

    China = 56

    Considering that the Chinese had more atheletes that the USA the USA was far better....

  13. USA is so cute.... Aren't they afraid that this matter will be use as 'laughing matter' by the world. XD

  14. You're Chinese?

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