
Why the people are not aware about water scaricity.Should govt. is only responsible for water conservation.?

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Why the people are not aware about water scaricity.Should govt. is only responsible for water conservation.?




  1. This is due to the lack of education on water importance. People used to take water for granted. Everyone should responsible on the scaricity of water and not just depend on govt.

  2. In cities, water should be charged. For slums as well as public places it can be free. The only way for people to understand the value of water is by associating it with money.

    Water is charged in developed countries!

  3. Plenty of water out there, 70% of the planets covered in in and quite deeply in places.  Do you live in the desert?


    PEOPLE  always turn to the government for mistakes they are making,the government is not watering their lawns.

    there are countless ways of conserving water

    And Central American civilizations ,The Egyptians,the Arabs ,the Moors ,the Babylonians and many others all had extensive water harvesting systems that caught the rain water

    Even as kids in England 50 years ago my dad had rain barrels under the gutter to use for irrigation ,as water shortage increase Modern man becomes more and more exstravagant with water use


    one can connect the sink straight to the toilet sistern and so use the water twice ,first to have a shave and then to flush the toilet

    also if you bend the ball valve you can regulate the level of the sistern

    and always have your grey water and black water seperate

    so that the sink and shower water goes directly into the garden saving on irregation and at the same time ,making the sewage smaller and easier to deal with ,this also goes and iregates the garden but via a sitern of two compartments and a french drain ,on which you plant trees,


    As far as catching rain is concerned ,we do this all the time ,and have done so already since Babylonian times,and is a part of the more advanced Agriculture,that existed with the Egyptians,Central ,and south American indigenous peoples,and many others ,today we call this water harvesting.

    In Permaculture the rule is to harvest water to the point of Zero runoff.

    this means that all of the rain that falls on an area is absorbed by the terrain and not a drop leaves it.

    by building dams,ponds or swales, with interconecting ditches,

    if there are enough of these ;the places ,where before the rain water ran over the ground into the rivers and on to the sea ,(in a matter of hours or days),It now runs into absorbant dams or swales and saturates the ground and eventually reaches subteranean water deposits ,taking many months to do so.

    Or it fills up ponds that can be used for Aquaculture.

    And so a convex situation that repels water is transformed in a concave ,absorbant one and turning the area in to a sponge.

    in Spain and Portugal ,which still display many examples of the conquering Moorish influence,One can find many remnants of Waterharvesting,such as aquaducts and tanks underneath the patios ,which collect the rain water from the roofs ,to be used in dryer times.

    in Arabia ,on a large scale ,land has been shaped to catch and lead,rain water into sandy areas or to agricultural lands.sand is almost as good as dams because it absorbs water and holds it.

    to find out more about Water harvesting I recomend:

    the designers manual by Bil Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get.(tagiari publishing,

    a list of ecological behaviour that includes some points on water use;...

  5. Water is only scarce in populated areas. The government only gets involved when there's money to be made. So until they can tax your water carrier, they'll do nothing to alleviate shortages.

  6. Most people indiscriminately misuse not only water, but everything else in their reach. No, Govt cannot help unless majority of people rectify themselves. The Govt is partly responsible. It encourages people indirectly to be careless.

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