
Why the people are not workig properly?

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Why the people are not workig properly?




  1. If you saying what im thinking.  As i have seen with various people,  not all of them,  that sometimes money is the issue on how they do things around work.  As now many people want more money for a lesser work.  They dont want to work.  

    In the case of some young and young-middle-aged people ive seen doing a poor performance,  is due to their habit on their lives,  is like they sticked their head in the wrong place and now they have a huge problem.   Is like having kinds in a young age,  they spend more that they should,  things that tend to suck more money that it should.

    Now days some people dont want to work hard,  that philosophy of the past is vanishing in many ways,  also including people that wont work under the sun and sweat the fat drop of sweat as thats why agriculture is going down and why the government wants to do the automated farming.

    My case,  im single, i live alone,  and i dont spend a lot, as im trying to put a system if i dont need it,  dont buy it or sometimes i skip it and buy something i would like.  But also i live somehow "close" to my work where i spend mostly 40 hours plus working hard.   And the money that i earn give me for my need,  to pay everything including taxes and to have a family if i want to.

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