
Why the people of india are so aggressive??????????/?

by  |  earlier

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asked by mohammad




  1. of ur community........

  2. because all think that we r the different

  3. Stop stereotyping.

  4. Umm I'm not agressive >.>

    We just hate it when you confuse us for Muslims then call us terrorists. Nuff' said.

  5. dont you think your overgenralizing a bit? ghandi  comes to mind....

  6. u racist ******.

  7. wait, so what is the question....?

  8. It is being the chiauaua effect, newton crosby!! The india born natives are overcompensating for their insignificance in life, and I wouldbe too, if everywhere in the world made fun of my poeple all the time.

  9. They aren't.

    Well unless your Punjabi.

    Like me.

  10. i never found indian people to be aggressive and i have a lot of indian and pakistani friends. im not indian or pakistani. did you meet some indian person who was mean? you cannot judge a whole race of people based on interactions with a few individuals. i disagree with you 100%.

  11. They are not, unless you have encountered some orthodox muslim communities.

  12. NO!! I don't think that's true!!!

    They are good business ppl......assertive but not aggressive!!

  13. Over there men are dominant and equality isnt really big.

  14. because they have no manners and are always being agressive trust me i would know i have indian relatives they can be soo annoying!

  15. um . . . Indians aren't aggressive, we just hate Americans because they ruined the world

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