
Why the person that is writ ting the introductory letter for zurvita ends the letter in Christ name......?

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Why the person that is writ ting the introductory letter for zurvita ends the letter in Christ name......?




  1. I am not familiar with the story, but as late as the 1800s, a letter would finish with elaborate phrases. Not like today's friendly but terse "Regards," "Yours truly,"  etc.

    This part of the letter is called the "complimentary close," and some felt obliged to do a lot of complimenting. For example, "Your very obedient servant," "Ever your devoted friend," etc.

    Sometimes the body of the letter merged with the complimentary close.

    "I beg you to give my regards to your noble mother, who is ever in the mind and heart of

    Your cousin and devoted friend,"

    "In Christ's name" makes the writer seem especially serious and pious, and doesn't indicate an existing friendship. I would guess that he is not acquainted with the person to whom he is writing, but wishes to give his letter more weight.

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