
Why the photographs of clocks are shown with time ten past ten always throughout the world?

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Why the photographs of clocks are shown with time ten past ten always throughout the world?




  1. ten past ten is the time, when human walked first time on earth.

  2. Hi,

    I heard it from somebody that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln died at 7:22 a.m. on April 15, 1865, although he was shot at 10:15 p.m. on April 14, 1865. Although this has been suggested, I doubt that the position of the hands commemorates the time of Lincoln's assassination or death

    Also most manufacturers trademarks are just above the center pipe, and having the hands at 10:10 causes your eye to naturally follow to the trough, thus bringing your view right to the trademark.

  3. I've heard that it is to make the hands look kinda like a smile to give it a more positive look. No one wants to buy a frowny clock!

  4. There are lotta reasons

    1. Abraham Lincon died at that time

    2. Its the time when the Clock becomes happy and smiles

    3. Its easiers to paint or draw that way ;) i jus made that up now lol.

  5. Because Jesus said so

  6. 10.10 is the time when both the hand of the clock equidistant from each,other and enables to show relative size of each hand clearly,brand name of the company is visible clearly.

  7. This is used as a marketing device to show the face of watches and clocks  ( and hands ) with maximum detail. The hands could be shown marking any time on the dial.

  8. A search on "watches" results in plenty of timepieces reading 10:10. Of course, there is some variation on the theme: 10:05, 10:08, 10:12, etc. I also found a few left-field entries: 8:20, 4:30, 2:35.

    But for the most part, watch ads stick to roughly 10:10. Strangely, i also found plenty of digital watches set to the same time. This is obviously some kind of advertising standard. Why? Did some famous watch inventor die at 10 past 10? What's the significance?

    According to a reliable source, the reason is purely aesthetic. A watch reading 10:10 has a clean, symmetrical look. Also, the hands don't obscure the watchmaker insignia, which is usually located directly below 12 o'clock.

    Apparently, the practice started in the 1920s, and it stuck.


  9. It is symmetrical and makes a nice picture.  That's all there is to it.  Also, the hands are clear of the manufacturer's name, which is usually near the bottom, as has been mentioned.

  10. They want to sell clocks.  Ten after ten looks good on a clock.  Also I have heard that is what time Abraham Lincoln was shot.

  11. it's bcoz it's t smilling time

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