
Why the rich people always abuse the poor?

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why the rich always abuse the poor by taking their money and their properties and why we always put the rich people in power when we know that the rich doesnt care about the poor?




  1. Yes!  You are right!  They are on this earth to abuse you.  They create companies that hire you at the prevailing wage then force you to get up out of bed each day to perform a job they pay you to do.  I think they should just give you their mercedes for showing up.  They are heinous heinous people...they should be extricated from the earth so you can be the big shot.

    Can I work for you so I can gripe now?

  2. control, they think money buys power. if you look at zimbabwe mugabe is wealthy (his wife was crtised for being miss bling bling or something) and he treats the poor like c**p.

    they are corrupted by the moeny they obtain as well.

  3. Sometimes it appears just the opposite.  The poor will feed off the living bodies of those that are for whatever reason making money and producing goods, and providing jobs for those that don't want to work or feel more at ease sucking the life of those that manage to do something other than make statements about the rich always abusing the poor.  

    the abuse comes from their leadership, those that are in power, the governors and dictators, the so called elected officials promising a golden street for all.   Governments actually need to keep the poor - poor for in the poor lies the ability for the corrupt to stay in office by pitting the rich class of individual against the poor.  For with those that have the money comes the invention of jobs, jobs come food and health and the ability to mover from one economic class to the other.  

    The rich care about the poor, but the poor seem to have no care but to be taken care of.  A pity, there is an old saying, comes from the Bible I believe, worth repeating here in my own words.

    Give a man his food, and he will demand more and most likely die of starvation.

    Teach a man to plant the field for his food, and he will eat, drink and live for his lifetime and that of his family and their families, the community.

  4. From my expirience the rich abuse the poor because they think because they are rich they are better than others and treat others unequaly BUT not all rich people abuse he poor in fact most rich people are good,for example: bill gates gives $2 million in donation just for africa every year so dont judge all rich people for one experience. hope this helps

  5. ALWAYS is a dangerous word. as is ur ignorance. u cant generalize ppl like that. rich ppl dont take things away from poor ppl. they just work hard and get more opportunities. which is fair. rich ppl get power because they deserve it. most ppl start out poor and work their way up. if a poor guy gets put in power he will gain afluence and get money making him rich. is he still bad then?! im not trying to get all defensive or anything just saying it's not fair to say that about ALL rich ppl or poor ppl for that matter.

  6. Power is something that is best handled delicately and with the best possible future for everyone. That being said, the rich don't always abuse the poor. It's generally the most well known that tend to abuse the poor (like rappers, rock & roll stars, drug dealers, dictators, etc.). These types tend to thrive on image--whether good or bad--and often see themselves as a person who you need in their lives. The truth of the matter is that this is why their tend to suppress their own problems and deify themselves. At the end of the day, we all have to suffer in this life--even the rich--to eke out an existence for ourselves. And love it or leave it, every religion knows this. I wouldn't take it too personally. After all, it is all too easy to be that type of person if we don't keep our values in check.

  7. because they can basically

  8. the whiners are ever with us.

  9. that's life. we just have to accept to prevent this to happen, we should indeed work harder to be rich so we wont get abused by the rich

  10. I've never been abused by a rich person. quite the opposite, rich people hired me and gave me a job,and  a rich banker lent me money so I could buy my house. I'm thankful for rich people.

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