
Why the rich will never understand the poor?

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i'm referring to the people who were born into wealthy families or people who have had money for generations.

one thing that describe it the best.. i think its from the movie aviator.. the conversation between howard and mrs. hepburn.

- Then how did you make all that money?

- We don't care about money here.

Well, that's because you have it.

Would you repeat that?

You don't care about money

because you've always had it.

i think that simple sentence really put the nail right on the head. Do you agree?

i mean.. not to say i can blame the rich after understanding this, because that's just how life is.




  1. To some extent wealthier old-money families who have always been wealthy won't be able to understand Lower Class families. People just can't relate if they haven't been through a similar situation.

    Before I answer this question I'm going to say that I consider myself Upper Class and in know way am I meaning to be rude or offensive in this question.

    First, I am an heiress to 10 companies, 9 student loan companies and 1 preneed company. At the age of 25 years old I will get a $30 million trust fund, but until then I have a 1/4 share of each companies (the others belong to my two brothers and dad). My trust fund increases by an estimated $4 million each year.

    I attend private school and I am a legacy at an Ivy League College. I also live in one of the most affluent areas in the United States.

    Assuming I meet your definition of wealthy (which I may or may not), here's my opinion:

    My dad grew up on the streets of New York city with nothing more than the cloths on his body, his sister, and mother (their father left when he was very young). He witnessed many violent murders while living on the streets and was constantly cold and hungry. When he was in high school a teacher told him that she believed in him and he took her words and turned his GPA from a "D" to an "A" almost overnight. He earned a full Merrot Scholarship to Penn (where he met my mother) and basically received a free college education,

    Because of his life experiences, he truly understands what some people are going through! So he tries to give back as much as possible.

    Anyway, I have lived through my life admiring those who are in a Lower Class area because they have gone through things I can't even begin to imagine. I am empathetic towards those types of people but I will never be sympathetic because I can not relate to them (for the time being).

    The number of old-money families is reduced by a lot! People die off and give away their entire fortune to charities. I live in a very affluent old-money area and there are only 2 or 3 "true" old-money families.

    Most of the wealthier families nowadays can most likely relate somewhat to being in the Lower Class community because they work hard to earn their money.

    One person above me said that he can blame the Upper Class for everything because some refuse to donate their money. It's easy to say "Oh yes, if I were rich I would give all my money away to charity", but it's another thing to have worked very hard for your money and then suddenly be pressured to give most of it away or you will be labeled as "uncaring" or "cruel".

    Everyone cares about money to some extent! I don't think that movie appropriately sums up everything because EVERYONE cares about money, even if they have always had it! Especially if they have always had money than they have to budget carefully so they don't end up losing it. Money doesn't grow on trees. Everyone still works unless they are retired or too young to get a job.


  2. Yes, I think it's generally true.  However, they help the poor by spending, by investing, and by giving away either directly or indirectly.  

    And even among the rich, I think that this type of group is a really small percentage.  Most of the wealth people earned it themselves.  

  3. I totally agree with you. People don't really understand what people are going through unless they have actually walked in their shoes.You were never poor so how can you know that experience...How can you relate... This can even be applied to race relations

  4. The rich are semi detatched from the reality of life, they can not understand the concept of being poor, because they have never had to earn anything for themselves, someone else does it all for them, and yes I blame the rich, for a lot of what "we the poor" have to do, to get by, "the poor are always with us" is a quote that is often used by the rich, the reply should be , because the rich are always there, !!!

    I can blame the rich, for this, in the same way I would blame someone who left a person, dying in agony in the street, because they had never been hurt, and did not understand the results of this is no excuse in law, this ignorance, why should it be for those whose attitude is , "let the poor suffer, it is their own fault anyway".....,

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