
Why the sight of caning / whipping marks on the bare back of a girl causes erection?

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when a girl is canned or whipped naked, the black and blue welts on her bare body causes erection. Why




  1. It's confusing to have an erection from seeing or thinking of a woman being caned because caning is painful and we love women, so how could casing pain to someone we love cause us to have an erection which gives us pleasure?

    The point is that an erection is pleasureable because it gives us a feeling of power and dominating women gives us a feeling that we are powerful. This comes from a strong unfulfilled desire to have power and control over others and probably originates in having had a mother who was very domineering and who made us feel weak.

    We wished we could dominate her yet we love her. So domination through giving pain becomes a way to love a women and so arouses us.

    Domination, however needn't be over a woman we love. If we achieve domination at work in an occupation where we dominate others like being a manager or a teacher, or a policeman etc. then we won't seek sexual arousal through giving pain.

    In the meantime, if that isn't possible it's okay to enjoy imagining a woman getting beaten without actually doing it or seeing it done.

    Unlike many people I don't believe that we need to fulfill our fantasies, although I admit that it's very pleasurable. The aftermath in the pain caused isn't very pleasureable.

    Fantasies play a great role as long as we keep them as fantasies and don't turn them into realities. That would be disastrous. People who get erections from thinking abot women getting beaten love women and want to keep the fantasy. enjoy the fantasy don't ever thing of realising it.

     is pleasureable. we expect an erection, whatever the cause

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