
Why the sight of caning / whipping of a girl cause erection?

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Please explain the reason for the erection caused by the sight of a girl being caned or whipped naked.




  1. Its a fetish. Nothing wrong with that. Its different, but then again, I probably find some stuff s**y when someone else things im gross.

  2. because someone has confused violence with s*x.

  3. 'cause you're messed up

  4. Typically when men find that women getting beaten is arousing stems from a childhood issue. It could be anger from a mother and/or sister abusing/molesting/raping  you as a child, so you take pleasure in seeing women get punished for it because you associate all women with the person(s) that abused you as a child.

    yeah. go get help.

  5. Sounds like a fetish - everyone gets turned on by different things, people's sexuality is as individual as their personalities pretty much; its determined by life's experiences. Maybe you saw some porno depicting women getting whipped during puberty, that's the stage when people tend to pick up fetishes and when your sexuality is developed the most.

    Don't listen to people who say you're sick or a freak, I've heard of MUCH, MUCH more bizarre fetishes. It's a part of you, accept it.

  6. no one can explain why we have fetishes. it's just something that we see or happens in puberty that has an effect.

    don't worry about it. many people have fetishes much stranger than yours.


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