
Why the simple things are so hard to understand?

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Why the simple things are so hard to understand?




  1. You thought too hard about it. And perhaps it's not as simple as you thought it was.

  2. Kind of like this question, huh?

  3. We are complex beings that like things complex and distrust things that are simple.

    So we tend to add details that increase complexity. Simple does not appear believable.

  4. Because it is human nature to be paranoid - especially about something overtly obvious.  It is the subtle details that always get you big time at the end.

  5. Because lots of us always think about something that is HARD and forget about something simple.. so when it come to think about something that simple we dont know because we dont really concentrate on it.

  6. They aren't.  That's what makes them simple.

  7. Mainly because we think too hard about it but reality is that we don't have to think about it at all.

  8. Maybe the simplest things in life are what give us the curiosity of life itself.

  9. coz it takes pages of calculations just for a 6 digits answer.  

  10. A blurred vision makes them hard to see as we are easily fooled by our own illusions about the meaning of true happiness.

  11. Being 2008 most people think everything is complicated, when humans still operate at simple levels best.

    So many people are educated also, and in media deep meaningful stories make one look at real life like this.

    Humanity almost says "It can't be simple - it's 2008. I'm a university graduate, working complicated machines..."  

  12. Probably same reason as to understand your "simple" question!

  13. could be lack of a good teacher

    or working from incorrect assumptions

    or a lack of prerequisite knowledge

    or the expectation that the concept is more difficult than it really is

  14. Because, aware of it or not, we choose to not see. In the end it really is this simple. The Truth has always been apparent, open, & easily seen by anyone who knocks,but few knock. They want a "Truth" that fits with what they already believe. Seeking to validate our version of how it works will taint all we see. "There are none so blind as those who will not see"

    That's a quote from the Moody Blues! LOL! I had to add something to lighten it up a bit!


  15. Life is simple. You also speak the words "I am" this or that, yet how many truly understand what is meant by "I am"? And no one can give you a complete answer! The words are simple yet profound and beyond man's intellect. "Who am I?"

    I could say to you, go out into Nature, see and appreciate its beauties and become filled with God's gift of Life. Say to yourself, "Divine Life Fills Me" and it will! It is simple but very profound.

    The secret is to live a humble life and let your thoughts be filled with genuine Love and Wisdom. That is possible to all mankind, but somehow man chooses to make his life complicated and misses the real meaning of it all, which is a spiritual journey.

  16. The simple things in life are to be appreciated and enjoyed not understood. :-)

  17. The simple things are missed because of improper observation and a lack of clarity.


    *If a person wears glasses and their vision becomes blurry, it means

    they need new glasses or they should clean the lenses in the ones their presently wearing.


    The mind of man can suffer from a state of 'mental torpor'.

    The mind of man can also suffer from 'clouds of illusion.

    If the mind of man becomes clouded, understanding the simple things can sometimes be near impossible.

    If the mind of man suffers from any of these ailments, the lenses of the mind should be properly cleaned or possibly replaced.

    Sometimes it may even require a skilled surgeon!

    *Warren D, kept it simple and I admire that! As we become more complex, we miss the "Point". The Truth is the "Point" that must be observed, and it is a very small "Point", indeed.

    May we all observe the simple things with renewed clarity,

  18. Because humans have a huge problem with honesty, and usually simple things oppose the fabricated believes that humans hold.

    "lo mas sencillo es un misterio y lo sagrado tan sencillo"

    "the simplest things are a mystey and sacred things are so simple"

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