
Why the spell check is left out in the new format?Will you add.

by  |  earlier

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  1. Actually automatic spell check and other things now seem to pop on the fly to the right as you are answering.

    What is missing is "Cancel" buttons if at some point you change your mind about answering.  I guess you have to use your browser controls to go back.

  2. Yahoo is still in the process of making updates, so you may have to wait until they are finished with the latest round. Only Yahoo! Answers staff would have an answer to this question.

    If you want an opportunity to ask a question of Y/A staff, post a message to the forum at . You may want to search there to see if the question has already been asked (which it has).

    UPDATED: See . A Y/A staff member hasn't answered yet, but there is a good tip about it there.

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