
Why the strong movement in the USA saying the government was somehow involved in 9/11 ?

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I have just returned from New York and Washington. One cannot miss messages from what looks like a strong underground movement saying that we do not have the facts about 9/11.




  1. There was a huge cover-up; one that has not in any way been broken through yet.

    Now personally, I believe the government was covering up its own incompetence, not its complicity in 9/11.  But its easy to see with all the covering up that many would jump to the idea that the government did it.

    Considering the government's past, its hardly out of step for them.

  2. Try any one of these, which are all supported by source material - amazing viewing, but you might as well know what's really been going on:

  3. It isn't a strong movement, it's a very very minor one.

  4. ya it was a cover up.

    bush and his dad were Ailis of Al queda for their oil mines .

    they flew them out of the u.s.a the same day come on wake up for gods sake.

    Was all about the oil fields.

  5. Americans, majority as middle class are facing economic recession, have enough anger and doubts on the Government plans and spending and great speculation roams everywhere on everything, including what you have heard!

    The government has no role in the 911 and all the twisted news are sheer fabrication of people opposed to the Government measures including the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the huge drain of billions of dollars and the loss of four thousand soldiers on same!

  6. Because the Official Story offered up by the U.S. Government doesn't make any sense.  There are a lot more answers than questions and the government has worked hard at covering up crucial evidence.

  7. That would be the propaganda wing of al Qaeda at work.

  8. Just do your own research, take a look at google video or you tube

    Hope this helps

  9. Because that is what actuaaly happened...plane off radar for 40 mins...plane disenigrates yet they still find the passports and that too kiloeters away....i mean come on!!

  10. This is because  more,  MANY  MORE  people here in the U.S.  are  FINALLY  Starting  to  WAKE  UP  !!!

  11. We're still trying to figure out who killed JFK, was the moon walk fake, did flying saucers crash at roswell ??

    There have been conspiracy theorists all throughout history.

    We have the internet now, we are more connected, it can run throughout the society much faster.

    OH the FBI listening in ?    Are the NSA satellites picking this up ?..........d**n !.....I gotta get my tinfoil hat out......the CIA is surely reading my mind !!

  12. The government and media have suppressed 9/11 truth for seven years. People are waking up thanks to the tireless efforts of patriots seeking truth.

    Mass wakeup is happening more quickly now because it is becoming patently obvious how 9/11 was exploited for the war agenda and the gradual and continuing dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    The exploitation has shown people some possible motivies for a 9/11 false flag. Without seeing a reason, many people were reluctant to ask the important and painful questions.

    The quest for truth and justice is not an underground movement as you suggest. There are high profile people publicly questioning the government's account of 9/11 and the integrity of the 9/11 Commission investigation.  See these listings for example:-

    Even some 9/11 Commissioners have spoken publicly about obstruction to their investigation. Surprisingly, that story was mentioned by some main stream media outlets (a rarity for anything that questions the official account of 9/11). See:-

    It is ironic that while the corporate main stream media has been complicit in the cover-up from day one, its handling of the Iraq war has actually helped wake people up to 9/11 truth. People are able to now see the corporate media for what it has become - a propaganda machine for government and corporate interests. I covered that issue in more detail in this question:-;...

    Once people turn to independent news sources for information, their eyes are opened to many realities hidden by the government and corporate media. The truth of 9/11 is one such reality.

    Over time, it will be the 9/11 deniers who are routinely subjected to ridicule, not those seeking truth.

    There is a great deal of compelling evidence for foreknowledge and complicity by criminal elements inside the government and their associates outside the government. Most members of the government were honestly deceived, threatened into silence, or frightened into self-censorship.

    See these links or compilations of some of the evidence:-

    See also this taped interview of Ruppert speaking about evidence for complicity.

    To believe the complicity was merely limited to sabotaging the ability to intercept the planes is the most generous assessment one can make once informed. Most likely, the involvement goes far beyond that. Either way, it amounts to high treason and complicity to commit mass murder.

    I couldn't state it better than Col. Robert Bowman,

    "… at least they made it impossible for those planes to be intercepted.  If our government had merely did nothing, and I say that as an old interceptor pilot—I know the drill, I know what it takes, I know how long it takes, I know what the procedures are, I know what they were, and I know what they’ve changed them to. If our government had merely done nothing, and allowed normal procedures to happen on that morning of 9/11, the Twin Towers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would still be alive. My sisters and brothers, that is treason."

    - Dr. Robert Bowman Lt. Col., USAF, ret.,Decorated air combat veteran; head of Star Wars programs under Presidents Ford & Carter; Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech; leading expert on national security.

    The 9/11 Commission investigation was an obvious cover-up. The corporate main stream media suppressed that story as well. It reported some of the problems with the Commission but failed to mention important facts which would have revealed the true color of the Commission at the onset.

    It was surprising to see some corporate media outlets at least mention the 2006 statements of the 9/11 Commissioners questioning the investigation. That inspired people to look more closely at the 9/11 Commission. If you have yet done so, you might start with this speech from Dr. David Ray Griffin.

    9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions

    To assist with analyzing the 9/11 Commission Report, use the report mirror at "911 Research" site. The mirror addresses the problem that the official report online is not presented in a way easy to evaluate. The mirror ties it all together with hyperlinks and commentary to note contradictions and omissions.

    Main page -

    Report Mirror -

    The Families of victims of 9/11 documented their frustrations with the 9/11 Commission in their film:-

    People will continue to seek truth and awaken others until a full and independent investigation is called, with power of subpoena and witnesses under oath.

    I would be content without a new investigation if I saw a full restoration of the Constitution and an cessation of the exploitation of the 9/11 attacks to further the profit and power agenda of criminals.

  13. Just look at "loose  change"

    The isrealis did it anyway, a van with several isrealis filming the towers were reported to police cheering as the towers were destroyed. See the links:

  14. Because it is a Patriot's DUTY to question and criticize the US Government at all times.  If they do not give us answers.  Did your fiance die in WTC? Mine did.  While a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon.  Until I get a confession why they left Mossad out of the picture and released them with no trial.  9/11 was an Israeli Mossad job.  

    Pick up a Washington Times September 10, 2001 paper.  Front Page the US ARMY SAMS Report.  Mossad ruthless and cunning and has ability to attack US Forces and blame it on a Palestinian/Arab Attack.

  15. We need universal health care so these people can get meds.

  16. it is BDS, otherwise known as "I wanted Al Gore to winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

  17. The Media can't admit that Israelis were involved, and that 09-11 was a False Flag Operation conducted by Israelis.

    They just can't admit it.

  18. Because there are so many obvious anomalies. The fire chief said that, at least one, of the towers was safe, then what looks like a controlled explosion brought it down. Look at the pictures of the thing hitting the pentagon. It would not be the first time a government has allowed this kind of thing to happen to get it's populace on it's side. Look at Pearl Harbour, NOT the film, books.

  19. Of course, most are not happy.  Nor should they be.  The government has not done a very good job of releasing 9/11 data to the public.  A lot of this goes beyond national defense, since most of the info that has not been released can only exonerate the government of any wrongdoing or complicit support of the attacks.  However, the gov. is worried that releasing too much info would jeopardize the legitimacy of juries trying suspects and what-not, so their security measures are not entirely unfounded.  Regardless, it is more a case of botched PR than conspiracy.

  20. It is odd, but I think some people find it more comforting to believe that their own government was responsible that to believe that a relatively small group of Islamic fundamentalists could inflict such a disaster on a mighty nation.

    In addition, any large event will attract conspiracies. People expect 'big' explanations for world-shocking occurrences.

  21. There are always conspiracy theorists around, who come up with c**p like this in any man-made disaster.  Ignore them.

  22. we got terrorized by our own government that day

  23. It's simple.

    You take a Bush hater, bombard him with distorted information, altered quotes, and the opinions of so-called experts and you've got yourself a believer.

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