
Why the sun does appear to be moving?

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Hi i need to know why the sun appears to be moving across the sky?




  1. The sun APPEARS to be moving, but it is basically an illusion. It appears to be moving because of the sun's gravitational pull of the Earth. The Earth rotating around the sun produces the illusion that the sun is moving, but it actually is not.

  2. You can be referring to two different things. Sometimes in a partly cloudy day, clouds keep moving over the sun and moving away, and it appears that the sun is moving but it is really the clouds moving.  

    Second, the sun does not move. The earth rotates constantly. It takes a little under 24 hours for the earth to make one full rotation.  So the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.

  3. The Earth rotates. And the sun is stationary so it appears as if it were moving when really its not.

    Its called a Reference point. From the reference point of the Earth the Sun is moving. From the reference point of the Sun the Earth is moving.

  4. Because the Earth is rotating under it.

  5. The Sun appears to move across the sky because the Earth is rotating on its axis.  The position of the Sun among the stars moves slowly from day to day because of our orbit around the Sun.

  6. Because we are moving.  If you were going about 5 mph in a car and passed a guy standing on the side of the road (stationary), you may think he was slowly drifting backwards.  In fact, you are moving forward.

  7. The earth is moving, not the sun.

  8. Um....because the earth rotates around's called an orbit....have you been to 3rd grade??

  9. it is not the sun that is moving but it is the earth it is moving. it seems that the sun is moving because of the earth' s rotation. we can't just feel the earth moving because it is too big and we are too small.

  10. The sun seem to be moving because the earth is spinning on it axis. Which mean that it goes around in circles. Thats why we have day and night and the season changes.

  11. Motion is relative. Even though the sun's gravitational pull on the earth causes the earth to revolve around the sun, the sun appears to be revolving around the earth. To us, the earth appears still, while the sun appears to be moving.

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