
Why the war among Russians and Goergians begin in 8/8/8 duing the opening day of Bejin Olomopiads?

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Is it the begining of World war 3 .




  1. Nope,neither side could win ie MAD mutually assured destruction,America will posture and so will Russia,the only reason they are butting heads is because of the oil pipeline running through Georgia,as usual it is down to oil,that's why Iraq got whacked,nothing to do with a war on terror,merely legitimised theft...

    Oooh don't the truth hurt huh,you Americans need to see how the world views you,My son is soon joining the world elite and I want him to know the crappy side of the military aswell as the good,fact is America and Russia are only interested in money oil and power and not human rights ie guantanamo bay and the russians habits of international assassinations

  2. Bejin?

  3. Not the beginning of WW III.  The world was scope locked on the Olympics a good diversion.


  4. Olomopiads??????

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